Concept ID: CBA000116840

Fuels and fuel technology

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Hultman, Martin; Nordlund, Christer (2013)
Energizing Technology: Expectations of Fuel Cells and the Hydrogen Economy, 1990--2005. History and Technology (pp. 33-53). (/isis/citation/CBB001211945/) unapi

Article Iriarte-Goñi, Iñaki (2013)
Forests, Fuelwood, Pulpwood, and Lumber in Spain, 1860--2000: A Non-Declensionist Story. Environmental History (pp. 333-359). (/isis/citation/CBB001211804/) unapi

Article Jones, Christopher F. (2013)
Building More Just Energy Infrastructure: Lessons from the Past. Science as Culture (p. 157). (/isis/citation/CBB001320574/) unapi

Article Dormidontov, Anatoliy (2013)
On the Most Powerful Liquid Propellant Engine. Research in the History of Technology (p. 4). (/isis/citation/CBB001321275/) unapi

Article Milanesio, Natalia (2013)
The Liberating Flame: Natural Gas Production in Peronist Argentina. Environmental History (p. 499). (/isis/citation/CBB001320297/) unapi

Article Khristich, Alla; Tatarchuk, Vitaliy (2013)
Conversion Developments for Oil-and-Gas Extractive Industry of USSR in the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute in 60--70th Years of XX Century. Research in the History of Technology (p. 12). (/isis/citation/CBB001321276/) unapi

Chapter Schlögl, Robert (2012)
The Role of Chemistry in the Global Energy Challenge. In: The Globalization of Knowledge in History: Based on the 97th Dahlem Workshop (pp. 745-794). (/isis/citation/CBB001422701/) unapi

Article Reynolds, Wayne (2011)
The Yellow Cake Road: Malcolm Fraser, the Ranger Enquiry and Australia's Role in the US International Fuel Cycle Project. Australian Journal of Politics and History (pp. 511-525). (/isis/citation/CBB001212384/) unapi

Article Golder, Bishwanath (2011)
Energy Intensity of Indian Manufacturing Firms: Effect of Energy Prices, Technology and Firm Characteristics. Science Technology and Society (p. 351). (/isis/citation/CBB001201768/) unapi

Article Vorotnikov, O. S. (2011)
The Revival of Interest in Solid-Fuel Military Rockets during the 1920s and 1930s. VIET: Voprosy Istorii Estestvoznaniia i Tekhniki (pp. 67-84). (/isis/citation/CBB001211388/) unapi

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Trains, Coal and Turf: Transport in Emergency Ireland. (/isis/citation/CBB001320095/) unapi

Article Jones, Christopher F. (2010)
A Landscape of Energy Abundance: Anthracite Coal Canals and the Roots of American Fossil Fuel Dependence, 1820--1860. Environmental History (p. 449). (/isis/citation/CBB001021188/) unapi

Article Mårald, Erland (2010)
Methanol as Future Fuel: Efforts to Develop Alternative Fuels in Sweden after the Oil Crisis. History and Technology (p. 335). (/isis/citation/CBB001033659/) unapi

Article Martínez, María Laura (2010)
Historia de la producción de carburante nacional en Uruguay. Llull: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas (p. 289). (/isis/citation/CBB001033798/) unapi

Article Shulman, Peter A. (2010)
Linking Energy and Climate (before 1974). Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change (p. 773). (/isis/citation/CBB001221291/) unapi

Book Schramm, Jeffrey W. (2010)
Out of Steam: Dieselization and American Railroads, 1920--1960. (/isis/citation/CBB001230808/) unapi

Article Carolan, Michael S. (2009)
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Article Eisler, Matthew N. (2009)
Getting Power to the People: Technological Dramaturgy and the Quest for the Electrochemical Engine. History and Technology (p. 49). (/isis/citation/CBB000931982/) unapi

Article Eisler, Matthew N. (2009)
“A Modern “Philosopher's Stone””: Techno-Analogy and the Bacon Cell. Technology and Culture (p. 345). (/isis/citation/CBB000951927/) unapi

Article Bickerstaff, K.; Lorenzoni, I.; Pidgeon, N. F.; et al. (2008)
Reframing Nuclear Power in the UK Energy Debate: Nuclear Power, Climate Change Mitigation and Radioactive Waste. Public Understanding of Science (p. 145). (/isis/citation/CBB000831216/) unapi


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