Concept ID: CBA000116840

Fuels and fuel technology

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Fuelling the urban economy: A comparative study of energy in the Low Countries, 1600–1850. Economic History Review (pp. 221-256). (/isis/citation/CBB009887504/) unapi

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Book David Bond (2022)
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Book Bob Johnson (2019)
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Article Jennifer Eaglin (January 2019)
The Demise of the Brazilian Ethanol Program: Environmental and Economic Shocks, 1985–1990. Environmental History (pp. 104-129). (/isis/citation/CBB102895968/) unapi

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Article Germán Vergara (January 2018)
How Coal Kept My Valley Green: Forest Conservation, State Intervention, and the Transition to Fossil Fuels in Mexico. Environmental History (pp. 82-105). (/isis/citation/CBB199475593/) unapi

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Energy Slaves: Carbon Technologies, Climate Change, and the Stratified History of the Fossil Economy. American Quarterly (pp. 955-979). (/isis/citation/CBB227278011/) unapi

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