84 citations
related to Children's diseases
84 citations
related to Children's diseases as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Patrizia Cincinnati
Note sulla storia della pediatria in Italia dall'unità al secondo dopoguerra.
Gianluca Giachery
Il medico e il bambino. Ricostruzione storica e genealogia pedagogica in uno studio di fine Ottocento sull'isterismo infantile.
Samuël Coghe
Between colonial medicine and global health: protein malnutrition and UNICEF milk in the Belgian Congo.
Medical History
(pp. 384-402).
Robert Cesaro; Laura Hirshbein
The ambivalent role of the institution in the history of child and adolescent psychiatry: a case study of the Hawthorn Centre in Michigan, USA.
History of Psychiatry
(pp. 440-454).
Anne Green
Sheila: Unlocking the Treatment for PKU.
Sergio Ribichini
Caducità infantile e riti di guarigione in ambito fenicio e punico. A proposito di Molchomor e MLK’MR.
In: La medicina allo specchio del sacro: Incontri e confronti tra scienza e religione
(pp. 27-46).
Marta Rivaroli
'Se un bambino piange fino a tarda ora e non vuole il latte: mano di Kūbu'. La medicina dell’infanzia nell’antica Mesopotamia.
In: La medicina allo specchio del sacro: Incontri e confronti tra scienza e religione
(pp. 47-64).
Barry Kennerk
Educating Sick Children: An Irish Hospital School in Context, 1900–1980.
History of Education
(pp. 356-373).
Elena Chamorro Rebollo; José Siles González; Cristina Díaz Pérez; et al.
60 años de la aprobación del título de Fisioterapia y de la primera escuela de Fisioterapia reconocida, la de Salus Infirmorum en el centro infantil.
Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina
(p. 233).
William W. Foege; Jimmy Carter
The Task Force for Child Survival: Secrets of Successful Coalitions.
Martha Few
“Speaking with the Fire”: The Inquisition Confronts Mesoamerican Divination to Treat Child Illness in Sixteenth-Century Guatemala.
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
(pp. 159-176).
Paolo Riccardo Oliva
“I bambini di Gruaro erano un esperimento”. Storia e memoria di una strage (1933-2015).
In: Vaccini e paure. Salute pubblica, resistenze popolari
(pp. 89-126).
Steven King; Steven J Taylor
‘Imperfect Children’ in Historical Perspective.
Social History of Medicine
(pp. 718-726).
Ilana Löwy
Imperfect Pregnancies: A History of Birth Defects and Prenatal Diagnosis.
Jennifer Tappan
The Riddle of Malnutrition: The Long Arc of Biomedical and Public Health Interventions in Uganda.
David M. Turner
Impaired Children in Eighteenth-century England.
Social History of Medicine
(pp. 788-806).
Edith Snook
‘The Women Know’: Children’s Diseases, Recipes and Women’s Knowledge in Early Modern Medical Publications.
Social History of Medicine
(pp. 1-21).
Martín Espinosa, Noelia; Villena Espinosa, Rafael; Cobo Cuenca, Ana L.
Análisis de la mortalidad expósita de la Inclusa de Toledo (1900-1930).
Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina
(p. 130).
Susan Bewley; Bewley, Beulah
Beulah Bewley: My Life as a Woman and Doctor.
Jonathan Tillotson
Smallpox, Interiority and the Emergence of the Modern European Autobiography.
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