322 citations
related to History of medicine, as a discipline
322 citations
related to History of medicine, as a discipline as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Simona Valeriani
(April 2021)
Grasping the Body: Physicians, Tailors, and Holy People.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 467-493).
Tirthankar Roy
(April 2021)
Useful & Reliable: Technological Transformation in Colonial India.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 494-520).
Vedran Duančić
Recent trends in the history of science in Croatia.
Centaurus: International Magazine of the History of Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(pp. 553-568).
Jules Skotnes-Brown
Preventing Plague, Bringing Balance: Wildlife Protection as Public Health in the Interwar Union of South Africa.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
(pp. 464-496).
Judith Hahn
Joachim Mrugowsky und das Hygiene-Institut der SS [Joachim Mrugowsky and the Hygiene Institute of the SS].
Acta Historica Leopoldina
(pp. 75-104).
Stefanie Ritz-Timme
Prognose – Die besondere Perspektive der Rechtsmedizin (Prognosis - The special perspective of forensic medicine).
Acta Historica Leopoldina
(pp. 151-164).
Sabine Hildebrandt
Anatomie im Nationalsozialismus: Die Vergangenheit in der Gegenwart [Anatomy under National Socialism: The past in the present].
Acta Historica Leopoldina
(pp. 11-38).
Simon Szreter
The Epidemiologic Transition Turned Upside down: Britain’s Mortality History as an Imaginative Resource for Africa.
In: Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa
(pp. 39-79).
Nikolas K. Schröder
Vom völkischen Studenten zum nationalsozialistischen Arzt. Joachim Mrugowskys Studienzeit in Halle (1925–1935). [From "völkisch" student to National Socialist doctor. Joachim Mrugowsky's studies in Halle (1925-1935)].
Acta Historica Leopoldina
(pp. 59-74).
Kavita Sivaramakrishnan
Contingent Futures, Continuous Pasts: Experts, Activists and Social and Disease Transitions (1950–80s).
In: Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa
(pp. 80-105).
Juris Salaks; Marika Garnizone
Review of the Centennial Congress of the International Society for the History of Medicine in Riga.
Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum
(pp. 116-133).
Volker Roelcke
Glossar historisch relevanter medizinischer Termini aus dem Mrugowsky - Manuskript Das Fleckfieber [Glossary of historically relevant medical terms from the Mrugowsky - Manuscript "Das Fleckfieber" (Spotted Fever)].
Acta Historica Leopoldina
(pp. 239-244).
Jeremy A. Greene; Daniel Todes; Susan Reverby; et al.
A Tribute to Gert Brieger (1932–2021).
Bulletin of the History of Medicine.
David C. Devonis
Middle class sprawl: Locating the psychologesque in the history of psychology.
History of Psychology
(pp. 275-294).
Laura Hirshbein; Jacob Steere-Williams
Editorial – The Pandemic and the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 367-368).
Rainer Haas; Paul Jäger
Prognoseparameter bei hämatologischen Erkrankungen – auf dem Weg zur individualisierten Therapie (Prognostic parameters in haematological diseases - on the way to individualised therapy).
Acta Historica Leopoldina
(pp. 129-150).
Gijae Seo
The History of Korea-Japan Medical Relations: Through Miki Sakae’s Research and Life.
Korean Journal of Medical History
(pp. 1065-1100).
Jae-Hyung Kim; Hyang A Lee
The Trend and Prospect of Medical Sociology: Its Concepts and the Interface with Medical History.
Korean Journal of Medical History
(pp. 843-902).
Dae-gi Kim
Trend and Prospect of Study on Chinese Medical History - Diversification of the Study on Medical History Study Through Integration and Communication -.
Korean Journal of Medical History
(pp. 735-782).
Sally Frampton; Jennifer Wallis
Reading the Nineteenth-Century Medical Journal.
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