45 citations
related to Prague (Czechia)
45 citations
related to Prague (Czechia) as a subject or category
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Country Code CZ
Karel Černý
Sharing the Knowledge at Habsburg Medical Faculties in the Baroque Era: The Case of Jan František Löw’s Reading List for Medical Students in Prague (1693).
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
(pp. 149-171).
Dmitry Zlatopolski
“Perfect Arithmetic” by Vaclav Josef Pelikan.
Historia Mathematica
(pp. 40-50).
Davide Crippa
Teaching Elementary Mathematics at the University of Prague: A Study of Latin Compendia from the Second Half of the 18th century.
(pp. 80-141).
Charles A. Kollmer
International Culture Collections and the Value of Microbial Life: Johanna Westerdijk’s Fungi and Ernst Georg Pringsheim’s Algae.
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 59-87).
Anna Kvicalova
Purkyně’s Opistophone: the hearing ‘Deaf’, auditory attention and organic subjectivity in Prague psychophysical experiments, ca 1850s.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(pp. 60-80).
Sibylle Gluch
Obtaining Quality in Marginal Places: The Clocks and Quadrants of the Clementinum Observatory in Prague in the 18th Century.
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 85-118).
Olga Sixtová
Publishing Books in Early Modern Jewish Prague.
In: Print culture at the crossroads : The book and Central Europe
(pp. 367-386).
Professor Michael D. Gordin
Einstein in Bohemia.
Rafał T. Prinke; Mike A. Zuber
'Learn to Restrain Your Mouth': Alchemical Rumours and their Historiographical Afterlives.
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
(pp. 413-452).
Martina Bečvářová; Eva Kaufholz-Soldat; Nicola M.R. Oswald
Women and Mathematics at the Universities in Prague.
In: Against All Odds: Women’s Ways to Mathematical Research Since 1800
(pp. 73-111).
Michael D. Gordin
The Trials of Arnošt K.: The Dark Angel of Dialectical Materialism.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 320-348).
Pavel Šišma; Laurent Mazliak
The Moravian Crossroad: Mathematics and Mathematicians in Brno Between German Traditions and Czech Hopes.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 729-758).
Tomáš Nejeschleba
Justification of Anatomical Practice in Jessenius’s Prague Anatomy.
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
(pp. 557-574).
Tadeusz Grzesik
Disputationes “Physicorum” dictae Magistri Serpentis “Excercitium” (editio critica).
Martin Žemla
Adam Huber of Riesenpach (1545-1613) and his Translation of the Book on Regimen within the Context of the Prague Medical Milieu.
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
(pp. 531-556).
Brakel, Jaap van
František Wald's Empiricism.
(p. 161).
Serrano, Juan D.
Trying Ursus: A Reappraisal of the Tycho-Ursus Priority Dispute.
Journal for the History of Astronomy
(pp. 17-46).
Bauer, Katrin
Keplers Tertius Interveniens von 1610 im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen wissenschaftlichem Anspruch und höfi schem Interesse.
In: Mantik, Schicksal und Freiheit im Mittelalter
(p. 175).
Purš, Ivo; Hausenblasová, Jaroslava
Michael Maier a jeho pŭsobení v Praze.
In: Alchymie a Rudolf II: Hledání tajemství p<r->írody ve st<r->ední Evrop v 16. a 17. století
(p. 335).
Blackmore, John T.
Ernst Mach's Prague (1867--1895) as a Human Adventure.
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