Geographic Term ID: CBA000116762


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Book Thompson, Paul B.; Hilde, Thomas C. (2000)
Agrarian Roots of Pragmatism. (/isis/citation/CBB000101916/) unapi

Book Breslaw, Elaine G. (2000)
Witches of the Atlantic World: A Historical Reader and Primary Sourcebook. (/isis/citation/CBB000101894/) unapi

Book Pomar, Jaume Honorat; López Piñero, José María (2000)
El Códice de Jaume Honorat Pomar (c. 1550-1606): Plantas y Animales del Viejo Mundo y de América. (/isis/citation/CBB000100287/) unapi

Article Kroll, Gary (2000)
Roy Chapman Andrews and the business of exploring: Cetology and conservation in progressive America. Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science (p. 79). (/isis/citation/CBB000111882/) unapi

Article Hamblin, Jacob Darwin (2000)
Science in isolation: American marine geophysics research, 1950-1968. Physics in Perspective (p. 293). (/isis/citation/CBB000110691/) unapi

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Clifford A. Truesdell. Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences (p. 178). (/isis/citation/CBB000101982/) unapi

Thesis Gary M. Kroll (2000)
Exploration in the Mare Incognita: Natural History and Conservation in Early Twentieth Century America. (/isis/citation/CBB406919324/) unapi

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Connections: Social and cultural studies of the telephone in American life. (/isis/citation/CBB000112056/) unapi

Book Abir-Am, Pnina G.; Elliot, Clark A. (1999)
Commemorative Practices in Science: Historical Perspectives on the Politics of Collective Memory. (/isis/citation/CBB000110624/) unapi

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Book Kohlstedt, Sally Gregory; Sokal, Michael M.; Lewenstein, Bruce V. (1999)
The Establishment of Science in America: 150 Years of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. (/isis/citation/CBB000110701/) unapi

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Book Taylor, Joseph E., III (1999)
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Book English, Peter C. (1999)
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Book Stevens, Rosemary (1998)
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Book Joseph A. Gagliano; Charles E. Ronan (1997)
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Book Jackson, Jack; Weddle, Robert S.; Ville, Winston De (1990)
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