66 citations
related to Reformation
66 citations
related to Reformation as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Luise Schorn-Schütte
Abgrenzung, Duldung, Gewalt und Toleranz: Der lange Weg der christlichen Konfessionen miteinander (16. bis frühes 19. Jahrhundert).
Acta Historica Leopoldina
(pp. 113-125).
Jacob M. Baum
Abraham Scultetus and the God of Paste: Ritual Conflict and Sensuous Calvinism in the Second German Reformation.
In: Embodiment, expertise, and ethics in early modern Europe: entangling the senses
(pp. 100-131).
Lars Röser-Israel
Verteidigung der Wahrheit : Leonhard Hutter (1563-1616) als Universitätslehrer und Kontroverstheologe; (Defending the truth: Leonhard Hutter (1563–1616) as university teacher and controversial theologian).
Margaret Meserve
Papal Bull: Print, Politics, and Propaganda in Renaissance Rome.
David Price
In the beginning was the image : Art and the Reformation Bible.
Martina Pranic
Praise of Bohemian Folly: Context and Consequences of the Histories of Brother Jan Paleček.
In: Print culture at the crossroads : The book and Central Europe
(pp. 143-157).
Borbála Lovas
The Posthumous Reception of an Antitrinitarian Bishop at Home and Abroad.
In: Print culture at the crossroads : The book and Central Europe
(pp. 58-84).
Maciej Ptaszyński
The Reformation, the Book, and the Clergy: The Place of Holy Scripture in the Churches of the Duchy of Pomerania and Clerical Identity in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.
In: Print culture at the crossroads : The book and Central Europe
(pp. 307-323).
Jan Volek
Making Erasmus Speak Czech: Female Patronage and Production of the 1533 Czech Translation of the New Testament.
In: Print culture at the crossroads : The book and Central Europe
(pp. 125-142).
Susanna Peyronel Rambaldi
Giulia Gonzaga: a gentlewoman in the Italian Reformation.
Lindsay Starkey
Encountering water in Early Modern Europe and Beyond. Redefining the Universe through Natural Philosophy, Religious Reformations, and Sea Voyaging.
Torrance Kirby
‘Mirifica commutatio’: The Economy of Salvation in Reformation Theology.
In: Economies of literature and knowledge in early modern Europe : change and exchange
(pp. 183-205).
James C. Ungureanu
Science, Religion, and the Protestant Tradition: Retracing the Origins of Conflict.
Hannah Murphy
A New Order of Medicine: The Rise of Physicians in Reformation Nuremberg.
Tara Nummedal
Anna Zieglerin and the Lion's Blood: Alchemy and End Times in Reformation Germany.
Margaret Pelling
Managing Uncertainty and Privatising Apprenticeship: Status and Relationships in English Medicine, 1500–1900.
Social History of Medicine
(pp. 34-56).
Harriet Phillips
Nostalgia in print and performance, 1510-1613: Merry worlds.
Thomas, Drew B.
Cashing in on Counterfeits: Fraud in the Reformation Print Industry.
In: Buying and selling : The business of books in early modern Europe
(pp. 276-300).
Erik A. Heinrichs
Plague, print, and the reformation: the German reform of healing, 1473-1573.
Alessandra Celati
Contra medicos: Physicians Facing the Inquisition in Sixteenth-Century Venice.
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
(pp. 72-91).
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