115 citations
related to Natural resources
115 citations
related to Natural resources as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Alatout, Samer
Bringing Abundance into Environmental Politics: Constructing a Zionist Network of Water Abundance, Immigration, and Colonization.
Social Studies of Science
(p. 363).
Cesare Silvi
La storia dell'uso dell'energia solare sulla Terra.
In: Da Archimede a Majorana: la fisica nel suo divenire
(pp. 387-394).
Johnson, Michael L.
Hunger for the Wild: America's Obsession with the Untamed West.
Raffaele Cataldi
Applicazioni della geotermia in Italia dal VI al XV secolo.
In: Il calore della Terra. Contributo alla Storia della Geotermia in Italia
(pp. 116-125).
Breitenbach, Angela
Kant Goes Fishing: Kant and the Right to Property in Environmental Resources.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(p. 488).
Meyer, William B.
Why Did Syracuse Manufacture Solar Salt?.
New York History
(p. 195).
Rollins, Peter C.
Tulsa (1949) as an Oil Field Film: A Study in Ecological Ambivalence.
Chronicles of Oklahoma
(p. 352).
Toly, Noah J.
Globalization and the Capitalization of Nature: A Political Ecology of Biodiversity in Mesoamerica.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
(p. 47).
Giovanni Cherubini
La caccia nel Medioevo.
In: Incolti, fiumi, paludi. Utilizzazione delle risorse naturali nella Toscana medievale e moderna
(pp. 105-116).
Cech, Thomas V.
Principles of Water Resources: History, Development, Management, and Policy.
Spary, E. C.
“Peaches Which the Patriarchs Lacked”: Natural History, Natural Resources, and the Natural Economy in France.
In: Oeconomies in the Age of Newton
(p. 14).
Reuss, Martin
Learning from the Dutch: Technology, Management, and Water Resources Development.
Technology and Culture
(p. 465).
Marsh, Kevin Reppert
Drawing in the woods: Debating wilderness boundaries on national forest lands in the Cascade Mountains, 1950-- 1984.
Chamberlain, Kathleen P.
Under Sacred Ground: A History of Navajo Oil 1922--1982.
Mauro Agnoletti
From the Dolomites to Venice: Rafts and River Driving along the Piave River in Italy (13th to 20th Centuries).
IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology
(pp. 15-32).
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