Concept ID: CBA000116729

Natural resources

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Alatout, Samer (2009)
Bringing Abundance into Environmental Politics: Constructing a Zionist Network of Water Abundance, Immigration, and Colonization. Social Studies of Science (p. 363). (/isis/citation/CBB000953545/) unapi

Chapter Cesare Silvi (2009)
La storia dell'uso dell'energia solare sulla Terra. In: Da Archimede a Majorana: la fisica nel suo divenire (pp. 387-394). (/isis/citation/CBB464838538/) unapi

Book Johnson, Michael L. (2007)
Hunger for the Wild: America's Obsession with the Untamed West. (/isis/citation/CBB000930096/) unapi

Chapter Raffaele Cataldi (2005)
Applicazioni della geotermia in Italia dal VI al XV secolo. In: Il calore della Terra. Contributo alla Storia della Geotermia in Italia (pp. 116-125). (/isis/citation/CBB017436318/) unapi

Article Breitenbach, Angela (2005)
Kant Goes Fishing: Kant and the Right to Property in Environmental Resources. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (p. 488). (/isis/citation/CBB000770700/) unapi

Article Meyer, William B. (2005)
Why Did Syracuse Manufacture Solar Salt?. New York History (p. 195). (/isis/citation/CBB000660294/) unapi

Article Rollins, Peter C. (2004)
Tulsa (1949) as an Oil Field Film: A Study in Ecological Ambivalence. Chronicles of Oklahoma (p. 352). (/isis/citation/CBB000660355/) unapi

Article Toly, Noah J. (2004)
Globalization and the Capitalization of Nature: A Political Ecology of Biodiversity in Mesoamerica. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society (p. 47). (/isis/citation/CBB000502418/) unapi

Chapter Giovanni Cherubini (2003)
La caccia nel Medioevo. In: Incolti, fiumi, paludi. Utilizzazione delle risorse naturali nella Toscana medievale e moderna (pp. 105-116). (/isis/citation/CBB390587319/) unapi

Book Cech, Thomas V. (2003)
Principles of Water Resources: History, Development, Management, and Policy. (/isis/citation/CBB000201650/) unapi

Chapter Spary, E. C. (2003)
“Peaches Which the Patriarchs Lacked”: Natural History, Natural Resources, and the Natural Economy in France. In: Oeconomies in the Age of Newton (p. 14). (/isis/citation/CBB000501260/) unapi

Article Reuss, Martin (2002)
Learning from the Dutch: Technology, Management, and Water Resources Development. Technology and Culture (p. 465). (/isis/citation/CBB000202938/) unapi

Thesis Marsh, Kevin Reppert (2002)
Drawing in the woods: Debating wilderness boundaries on national forest lands in the Cascade Mountains, 1950-- 1984. (/isis/citation/CBB001562163/) unapi

Book Chamberlain, Kathleen P. (2000)
Under Sacred Ground: A History of Navajo Oil 1922--1982. (/isis/citation/CBB000650487/) unapi

Article Mauro Agnoletti (1995)
From the Dolomites to Venice: Rafts and River Driving along the Piave River in Italy (13th to 20th Centuries). IA. The Journal of the Society for Industrial Archeology (pp. 15-32). (/isis/citation/CBB677318579/) unapi


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