116 citations
related to Natural resources
116 citations
related to Natural resources as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Ian R. Tyrrell
Crisis of the Wasteful Nation: Empire and Conservation in Theodore Roosevelt's America.
Patricia Bowley
Farm Forestry in Agricultural Southern Ontario, ca. 1850-1940: Evolving Strategies in the Management and Conservation of Forests, Soils and Water on Private Lands.
Scientia Canadensis: Journal of the History of Canadian Science, Technology, and Medicine
(pp. 22-49).
Crane, Jeff
The Environment in American History: Nature and the Formation of the United States.
Bartow J. Elmore
Citizen Coke: The Making of Coca-Cola Capitalism.
Matteo Mascia
Sustainable Developement for a Capable Future Society.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 275-291).
Jan J. Boersema
How Much Biodiversity Do We Need?.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 307-323).
Highsmith, R. Patrick; Freeman, Leigh W.
(Spring 2014)
Supplying Society with Natural Resources: The Future of Mining—From Agricola to Rachel Carson and Beyond..
The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering
(pp. 24-32).
Avango, Dag; Hacquebord, Louwrens; Wråkberg, Urban
Industrial Extraction of Arctic Natural Resources since the Sixteenth Century: Technoscience and Geo-Economics in the History of Northern Whaling and Mining.
Journal of Historical Geography
(p. 15).
Haller, Lea; Gisler, Monika
Lösung für das Knappheitsproblem oder nationales Risiko? Auf Erdölsuche in der Schweiz.
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(pp. 41-59).
Westermann, Andrea
Inventuren der Erde. Vorratsschätzungen für mineralische Rohstoffe und die Etablierung der Ressourcenökonomie.
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(pp. 20-40).
Bērziņ<s->, Valdis; Brinker, Ute; Klein, Christina; et al.
New Research at Riņņukalns, a Neolithic Freshwater Shell Midden in Northern Latvia.
(pp. 715-732).
Haller, Lea; Höhler, Sabine; Westermann, Andrea
Einleitung: Rechnen mit der Natur: Ökonomische Kalküle um Ressourcen.
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(pp. 8-19).
Thomas Miller Klubock
La Frontera: Forests and Ecological Conflict in Chile's Frontier Territory.
Jundt, Thomas
Dueling Visions for the Postwar World: The UN and UNESCO 1949 Conferences on Resources and Nature, and the Origins of Environmentalism.
Journal of American History
(p. 44).
Kaufman, Asher
Between Permeable and Sealed Borders: The Trans-Arabian Pipeline and the Arab--Israeli Conflict.
International Journal of Middle East Studies
(pp. 95-116).
Fischer, Georg
Minério de ferro, geologia econômica e redes de experts entre Wisconsin e Minas Gerais, 1881--1914.
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
(pp. 247-262).
Priest, Tyler
Hubbert's Peak: The Great Debate over the End of Oil.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(p. 37).
Wilson, Jeffrey K.
“The Holy Property of the Entirety of the People”: The Struggle for the “German Forest” in Prussia, 1871--1914.
Environment and History
(pp. 41-65).
De Carvalho, Teresa Nobre
Local Knowledge in Portuguese Words: Oral and Manuscript Sources of the Colloquies on the Simples by Garcia De Orta.
HOST: Journal of History of Science and Technology
(pp. 13-28).
Alexey V. Postnikov
The Russian Mission to Bukhara in 1842 and the Fate of the English Emissaries Charles Stoddart and Arthur Conolly.
(pp. 32-59).
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