Concept ID: CBA000116721

Physiological psychology

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Book Martensen, Robert Lawrence (2004)
The Brain Takes Shape: An Early History. (/isis/citation/CBB000470153/) unapi

Article Arievitch, Igor M.; Veer, René van der (2004)
The Role of Nonautomatic Processes in Activity Regulation: From Lipps to Galperin. History of Psychology (p. 154). (/isis/citation/CBB000450017/) unapi

Chapter Smith, Roger (2004)
The Physiology of the Will: Mind, Body, and Psychology in the Periodical Literature, 1855-1875. In: Science Serialized: Representations of the Sciences in Nineteenth-Century Periodicals (p. 81). (/isis/citation/CBB000470240/) unapi

Book Rousseau, George S. (2004)
Nervous Acts: Essays on Literature, Culture and Sensibility. (/isis/citation/CBB000641998/) unapi

Article Winter, Alison (2004)
Screening Selves: Sciences of Memory and Identity on Film, 1930--1960. History of Psychology (p. 367). (/isis/citation/CBB000501056/) unapi

Article Darrigol, Olivier (2003)
Number and Measure: Hermann von Helmholtz at the Crossroads of Mathematics, Physics, and Psychology. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (p. 515). (/isis/citation/CBB000340891/) unapi

Article Stoffers, Manuel (2003)
Münsterberg's Nightmare: Psychology and History in fin-de-siècle Germany and America. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (p. 163). (/isis/citation/CBB000300900/) unapi

Chapter Forget, Evelyn L. (2003)
Evocations of Sympathy: Sympathetic Imagery in Eighteenth-Century Social Theory and Physiology. In: Oeconomies in the Age of Newton (p. 282). (/isis/citation/CBB000501270/) unapi

Chapter Thibodeau, Philip (2003)
Optical Illusions in Ancient Greece. In: Gestures: Essays in Ancient History, Literature, and Philosophy Presented to Alan L. Boegehold (p. 136). (/isis/citation/CBB000430266/) unapi

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Thesis Canales, Jimena (2003)
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Article Ostrovskii, M. A.; Sakina, N. L.; Fedorovich, I. B.; et al. (2002)
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Kopfarbeit: Die Suche nach einer präzisen Meßmethode für psychische Vorgänge. Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte (p. 107). (/isis/citation/CBB000201117/) unapi

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Article Chaigneau, Nicolas (2002)
Jevons, Edgeworth et les “sensations subtiles du cœur humain”: l'influence de la psychophysiologie sur l'économie marginaliste. Revue d'Histoire des Sciences Humaines (p. 13). (/isis/citation/CBB000751021/) unapi

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The Trajectory of Color. Perspectives on Science (p. 302). (/isis/citation/CBB000502658/) unapi

Article Piccand, Marc (2002)
Neurophysiologie de l'inspiration: un chapitre des relations entre science et littérature autour de 1900. Gesnerus (p. 55). (/isis/citation/CBB000502870/) unapi

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Article Kim, Sungsu (2002)
Testing Multiple Realizability: A Discussion of Bechtel and Mundale. Philosophy of Science (p. 606). (/isis/citation/CBB000410808/) unapi


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