Concept ID: CBA000116693

Nutrition; dietetics

Show 347 citations related to Nutrition; dietetics
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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Santacruz, María González; Gil, Enrique Perdiguero (2019)
La consolidación de los derivados de la leche de vaca en la alimentación del lactante en España (1939-1959). Llull: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas (pp. 301-326). (/isis/citation/CBB113462189/) unapi

Article Brian Payne (2019)
Nature's Bread: The Natural Food Debate in Canada, 1940–1949. Agricultural History (pp. 608-635). (/isis/citation/CBB006947860/) unapi

Article Jessica Parr (2019)
“Act thin, stay thin”: Commercialization, behavior modification, and group weight control. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences (pp. 342-357). (/isis/citation/CBB684404261/) unapi

Article Fernando Collantes (2019)
Why did the industrial diet triumph? The massification of dairy consumption in Spain, 1965–90. Economic History Review (pp. 953-978). (/isis/citation/CBB245733911/) unapi

Thesis Amanda Guarino Moraes (2019)
Treating Hunger: Medical Expertise, Nutritional Science, and the Development of Technical Food Solutions. (/isis/citation/CBB412048543/) unapi

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Scientizing Everyday Life, Rationalizing Eating Habits: The Rise of Nutrition Science in 1910s-1920s Japan. Korean Journal of Medical History (pp. 447-484). (/isis/citation/CBB868771834/) unapi

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Chapter Bridget Egan; Joyce Goodman (2018)
Household and Domestic Science: Entangling the Personal and the Professional. In: Science, Technologies and Material Culture in the History of Education. (/isis/citation/CBB228154008/) unapi

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Group Weight Loss and Multiple Screening: A Tale of Two Heart Disease Programs in Postwar American Public Health. Bulletin of the History of Medicine (pp. 474-505). (/isis/citation/CBB293285264/) unapi

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Fighting Fat: Canada, 1920-1980. (/isis/citation/CBB163094871/) unapi

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Book Rachel Louise Moran (2018)
Governing Bodies: American Politics and the Shaping of the Modern Physique. (/isis/citation/CBB432782798/) unapi

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Article Steven Shapin (2018)
Was Luigi Cornaro a Dietary Expert?. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (pp. 135-149). (/isis/citation/CBB443583328/) unapi

Article Martin D. Moore (2018)
Food As Medicine: Diet, Diabetes Management, and the Patient in Twentieth Century Britain. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (pp. 150-167). (/isis/citation/CBB763102926/) unapi

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