Concept ID: CBA000116693

Nutrition; dietetics

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Santiago Giménez-Roldán; John C. Steele; Valerie S. Palmer; et al. (2021)
Lytico-bodig in Guam: Historical links between diet and illness during and after Spanish colonization. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences (pp. 335-374). (/isis/citation/CBB192108616/) unapi

Article Arnaud Page; Maxime Guesnon (2021)
Glutenophilia: Chemistry and Flour Quality in Nineteenth-century France and Great Britain. Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (pp. 365-384). (/isis/citation/CBB182520730/) unapi

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Book Frens-String (2021)
Hungry for Revolution. (/isis/citation/CBB058758143/) unapi

Book Zofia Rzeźnicka; Maciej Kokoszko (2021)
Milk and Dairy Products in the Medicine and Culinary Art of Antiquity and Early Byzantium (1st–7th Centuries AD). (/isis/citation/CBB843150469/) unapi

Chapter Megan Vaughan (2021)
Sugar and Diabetes in Postwar South Africa. In: Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa (pp. 162-178). (/isis/citation/CBB234283706/) unapi

Chapter Michelle Pentecost (2021)
Transitioning Societies: Non-Communicable Disease and ‘the First 1000 Days’ in South Africa. In: Epidemiological Change and Chronic Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa (pp. 252-275). (/isis/citation/CBB622609048/) unapi

Article Andrea Borghini; Nicola Piras; Beatrice Serini (2020)
A gradient framework for wild foods. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (p. 101293). (/isis/citation/CBB428341573/) unapi

Book Anne Green (2020)
Sheila: Unlocking the Treatment for PKU. (/isis/citation/CBB126606472/) unapi

Article Anita Guerrini (2020)
A Natural History of the Kitchen. Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 20-41). (/isis/citation/CBB901631997/) unapi

Article Bradford Bouley (2020)
Digesting Faith: Eating God, Man, and Meat in Seventeenth-Century Rome. Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 42-59). (/isis/citation/CBB553359250/) unapi

Article Alissa Aron (2020)
Perceptions of Provenance: Conceptions of Wine, Health, and Place in Louis XIV’s France. Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 84-98). (/isis/citation/CBB509098486/) unapi

Article Joyce E. Chaplin (2020)
Why Drink Water? Diet, Materialisms, and British Imperialism. Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 99-122). (/isis/citation/CBB150610529/) unapi

Article David Gentilcore (2020)
From ‘Vilest Beverage’ to ‘Universal Medicine’: Drinking Water in Printed Regimens and Health Guides, 1450–1750. Social History of Medicine (pp. 683-703). (/isis/citation/CBB548338002/) unapi

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Book Nadja Durbach (2020)
Many Mouths: The Politics of Food in Britain from the Workhouse to the Welfare State. (/isis/citation/CBB693159750/) unapi

Book Elizabeth A. Williams (2020)
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Book Tom Scott-Smith (2020)
On an Empty Stomach: Two Hundred Years of Hunger Relief. (/isis/citation/CBB138751996/) unapi


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