Concept ID: CBA000116691

Irrigation; drainage

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Garden, Donald A. (2008)
El Niño, Irrigation Dams and Stopbanks: Examining the Repercussions of the 1876--78 El Niño in Australia and New Zealand. History of Meteorology (p. 1). (/isis/citation/CBB000931787/) unapi

Article Murton, James (2008)
Creating Order: The Liberals, the Landowners, and the Draining of Sumas Lake, British Columbia. Environmental History (p. 92). (/isis/citation/CBB000830451/) unapi

Chapter Canavas, Constantin (2008)
Hydraulic Imagery in Medieval Arabic Texts. In: A Shared Legacy: Islamic Science East and West. Homage to Professor J. M. Millàs Vallicrosa (p. 25). (/isis/citation/CBB001022254/) unapi

Chapter Ertsen, M. W. (2008)
Indigenous or international: The evolution and significance of East Indian civil engineering. In: For profit and prosperity: The contribution made by Dutch engineers to public works in Indonesia, 1800--2000 (p. 381). (/isis/citation/CBB001180593/) unapi

Chapter Ertsen, M. W. (2008)
Living water: The development of irrigation technology and waterpower. In: For profit and prosperity: The contribution made by Dutch engineers to public works in Indonesia, 1800--2000 (p. 239). (/isis/citation/CBB001180592/) unapi

Article Ertsen, M. W. (2008)
Controlling the farmer: Irrigation encounters in Kano, Nigeria. The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa (pp. 209-236). (/isis/citation/CBB001180589/) unapi

Article Fabregat Galcerà, Emetri; Vidal Franquet, Jacobo (2007)
La canalització de l'Ebre a la regió de Tortosa (1347--1851). Quaderns d'Història de l'Enginyeria (p. 3). (/isis/citation/CBB000831572/) unapi

Chapter Ash, Eric H. (2007)
Amending Nature: Draining the English Fens. In: The Mindful Hand: Inquiry and Invention from the Late Renaissance to Early Industrialisation (p. 116). (/isis/citation/CBB000774658/) unapi

Article Wakild, Emily (2007)
Naturalizing Modernity: Urban Parks, Public Gardens and Drainage Projects in Porfirian Mexico City. Mexican Studies (p. 101). (/isis/citation/CBB001020921/) unapi

Chapter Fleischer, Alette (2007)
The Beemster Polder: Conservative Invention and Holland's Great Pleasure Garden. In: The Mindful Hand: Inquiry and Invention from the Late Renaissance to Early Industrialisation (p. 144). (/isis/citation/CBB000774659/) unapi

Article Ertsen, M. W. (2007)
Irrigation Design in the Netherlands East Indies. Design Research (pp. 449-469). (/isis/citation/CBB001180594/) unapi

Article Ertsen, M. W. (2007)
The Development of Irrigation Design Schools or How History Structures Human Action. Irrigation and Drainage (pp. 1-19). (/isis/citation/CBB001180590/) unapi

Article Emetri Fabregat Galcerà; Jacobo Vidal Franquet (2007)
La canalització de l'Ebre a la regió de Tortosa (1347-1851); Channelisation of the Ebre River in the Region of Tortosa (1347-1851). Quaderns d'Història de l'Enginyeria (pp. 3-49). (/isis/citation/CBB500710040/) unapi

Chapter Glick, Thomas F. (2006)
Irrigation in Medieval Spain: A Personal Narrative Across a Generation. In: Agricultural Strategies (p. 162). (/isis/citation/CBB001035248/) unapi

Article Ertsen, Maurits W. (2006)
Aspects of Irrigation Development in the Netherlands East Indies. The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa (p. 47). (/isis/citation/CBB000640539/) unapi

Article Ertsen, M. W. (2006)
Colonial Irrigation: Myths of Emptiness. Landscape Research (pp. 147-168). (/isis/citation/CBB001180597/) unapi

Book Leslie, Jacques (2005)
Deep Water: The Epic Struggle over Dams, Displaced People, and the Environment. (/isis/citation/CBB000700536/) unapi

Book Baker, J. Mark (2005)
The Kuhls of Kangra: Community-Managed Irrigation in the Western Himalaya. (/isis/citation/CBB000950097/) unapi

Chapter Ertsen, M. W. (2005)
Irrigation design in the Netherlands East Indies: The Tjipoenegara system in West Java. In: A history of water issues: Lessons to learn (pp. 133-150). (/isis/citation/CBB001180596/) unapi

Chapter Ertsen, M. W.; Prieto, D.; Pradham, T. M. S.; et al. (2005)
Historical analysis pf water flows in the Río Dulce catchment. In: Water resources management III. (/isis/citation/CBB001180599/) unapi


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