130 citations
related to Irrigation; drainage
130 citations
related to Irrigation; drainage as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Van Lanen, Amanda
“Where Dollars Grow on Trees”: The Promise and Reality of Irrigated Farming in Central Washington, 1890--1910.
Agricultural History
(pp. 388-406).
Maurits W. Ertsen
Step after Step the Ladder is Ascended Human agency in Irrigated (anti) Landscapes.
In: The Anti-Landscape
(pp. 45-60).
Isaacman, Allen F; Isaacman, Barbara
Dams, Displacement, and the Delusion of Development: Cahora Bassa and Its Legacies in Mozambique, 1965--2007.
Cookson-Hills, Claire Jean
Engineering the Nile: Irrigation and the British Empire in Egypt, 1882--1914.
Ait, Ivana
Mercanti e allevamento a Roma fra tardo medioevo e prima età moderna.
Studi Storici: Rivista Trimestrale dell'Istituto Gramsci
(p. 25).
Rapoport, Yossef; Shahar, Ido
Irrigation in the Medieval Islamic Fayyum: Local Control in a Large-Scale Hydraulic System.
Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
(p. 1).
Rao, B. Eswara
Taming Liquid Gold' and Dam Technology: A Study of the Godavari Anicut.
In: The British Empire and the Natural World: Environmental Encounters in South Asia
(p. 145).
Silvestre, Javier; Clar, Ernesto
The Demographic Impact of Irrigation Projects: A Comparison of Two Case Studies of the Ebro Basin, Spain, 1900--2001.
Journal of Historical Geography
(p. 315).
Barrera-Osorio, Antonio
Experts, Nature, and the Making of Atlantic Empiricism.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(p. 129).
Floriana Petracco
Il divertimento delle acque. Irrigazione e bonifica tra cinque e seicento nella provincia cremonese: il caso del diversivo magio, infrastruttura privata di utilità pubblica.
In: La civiltà delle acque tra Medioevo e Quattrocento
(pp. 261-271).
Ertsen, Maurits Willem
Structuring properties of irrigation systems: Understanding relations between humans and hydraulics through modeling.
Water History
(pp. 165-183).
Ertsen, Maurits Willem
An irrigated landscape in Argentina.
Landscape Archaeology and Ecology
(p. 47).
Ertsen, Maurits
Locales of happiness: Colonial irrigation in the Netherlands East Indies and its remains, 1830--1980.
Ingold, Alice
To Historicize or Naturalize Nature: Hydraulic Communities and Administrative States in Nineteenth-Century Europe.
French Historical Studies
(p. 385).
Ertsen, Maurits W.; Spek, Joanne van der
Modeling an Irrigation Ditch Opens up the World: Hydrology and Hydraulics of an Ancient Irrigation System in Peru.
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
(pp. 176-191).
Ertsen, Maurits W.; Nooijen, Ronald van
The Man Swimming Against the Stream Knows the Strength of It: Hydraulics and Social Relations in an Argentinean Irrigation System.
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
(pp. 200-208).
Mikael Wolfe
Water and revolution: The politics, ecology and technology of agrarian reform in ‘La Laguna’ Mexico.
Håkansson, N. Thomas
Regional Political Ecology and Intensive Cultivation in Pre-Colonial and Colonial South Pare, Tanzania.
International Journal of African Historical Studies
(p. 433).
Oosterhout, Dianne Van
From Colonial to Postcolonial Irrigation Technology: Technological Romanticism and the Revival of Colonial Water Tanks in Java, Indonesia.
Technology and Culture
(p. 701).
Tagseth, Mattias
The Expansion of Traditional Irrigation in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
International Journal of African Historical Studies
(p. 461).
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