Concept ID: CBA000116691

Irrigation; drainage

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Greg Bankoff (July 2018)
Malaria, Water Management, and Identity in the English Lowlands. Environmental History (pp. 470-494). (/isis/citation/CBB283439358/) unapi

Article Tim Riding (2018)
‘Making Bombay Island’: land reclamation and geographical conceptions of Bombay, 1661–1728. Journal of Historical Geography (pp. 27-39). (/isis/citation/CBB371316806/) unapi

Book Julia Obertreis (2017)
Imperial Desert Dreams: Cotton Growing and Irrigation in Central Asia 1860-1991. (/isis/citation/CBB907085440/) unapi

Article John Emrys Morgan (2017)
The Micro-Politics of Water Management in Early Modern England: Regulation and Representation in Commissions of Sewers. Environment and History (pp. 409-430). (/isis/citation/CBB322484821/) unapi

Article Juana R. Vega Delgado (2017)
Queering Engineers? Using History to Re-think the Associations Between Masculinity and Irrigation Engineering in Peru. Engineering Studies (pp. 140-160). (/isis/citation/CBB335465134/) unapi

Article Margreet Zwarteveen (2017)
Hydrocracies, Engineers and Power: Questioning Masculinities in Water. Engineering Studies (pp. 78-94). (/isis/citation/CBB379279779/) unapi

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Becoming an Engineer or a Lady Engineer: Exploring Professional Performance and Masculinity in Nepal’s Department of Irrigation. Engineering Studies (pp. 120-139). (/isis/citation/CBB946690703/) unapi

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Watering the Renaissance Garden: Horticultural Theory and Irrigation Practice in Sixteenth-Century Tuscany. In: Gardens, Knowledge and the Sciences in the Early Modern Period (p. 269). (/isis/citation/CBB409301138/) unapi

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On the Edge of the Possible: Artificial Rainmaking and the Extension of Hope on the Great Plains. Agricultural History (pp. 536-558). (/isis/citation/CBB001553159/) unapi

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Flooding and the Framing of Risk in British Broadsheets, 1985--2010. Public Understanding of Science (pp. 454-471). (/isis/citation/CBB001420076/) unapi

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The Pontifex Minimus: William Willcocks and Engineering British Colonialism. Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology (p. 183). (/isis/citation/CBB001321004/) unapi


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