46 citations
related to Theories of heat
46 citations
related to Theories of heat as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Pietro Daniel Omodeo
The Distant Action of the Heavens in Girolamo Borri’s Tidal Theory.
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
(pp. 460-485).
Raffaele Pisano; Emilio Marco Pellegrino; Abdelkader Anakkar; et al.
Conceptual polymorphism of entropy into the history: extensions of the second law of thermodynamics towards statistical physics and chemistry during nineteenth–twentieth centuries.
Foundations of Chemistry
(pp. 337-378).
R. A. Martins; A. P. B. Silva
Joule’s Experiments on the Heat Evolved by Metallic Conductors of Electricity.
Foundations of Science
(pp. 625-701).
John P. McCaskey
History of ‘Temperature’: Maturation of a Measurement Concept.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(pp. 399-444).
Multimedia Object
Jim Stein; Nahin, Paul J.
Paul Nahin, “Hot Molecules, Cold Electrons” (Princeton UP, 2020).
New Books Network Podcast.
Paul J. Nahin
Hot Molecules, Cold Electrons: From the Mathematics of Heat to the Development of the Trans-Atlantic Telegraph Cable.
Diarmid A. Finnegan; Sir Roland Jackson; Nanna Katrine Luders Kaalund
The Correspondence of John Tyndall, Volume 7: The Correspondence, March 1859 - May 1862.
Don S. Lemons
Thermodynamic Weirdness: From Fahrenheit to Clausius.
David Carroll Simon
Light without Heat: The Observational Mood from Bacon to Milton.
Amy Fisher
Robert Hare's Theory of Galvanism: A Study of Heat and Electricity in Early Nineteenth-Century American Chemistry.
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
(pp. 169-189).
Marie Thébaud-Sorger
Capturing the Invisible: Heat, Steam and Gases in France and Great Britain, 1750-1800.
In: Compound Histories: Materials, Governance and Production, 1760-1840
(pp. 85-105).
Riccardo Rosso; Alessio Brioschi
Eugenio Beltrami's Courses on the Analytic and Mechanical Theory of Heat. I. Analytic Theory of Heat.
Historia Mathematica
(pp. 399-414).
Neswald, Elizabeth
Saving the World in the Age of Entropy: John Tyndall and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
In: The Age of Scientific Naturalism: Tyndall and His Contemporaries
(pp. 15-32).
Christopoulou, Christiana
Early Modern History of Cold: Robert Boyle and the Emergence of a New Experimental Field in 17th Century Experimental Philosophy.
In: History of Artificial Cold: Scientific, Technological and Cultural Issues
(pp. 21-51).
Pender, Stephen
Heat and Moisture, rhetoric and spiritus.
Intellectual History Review
(pp. 89-112).
Rowlinson, Sir John S.
James Dewar and the Road to the Liquefaction of Hydrogen.
In: History of Artificial Cold: Scientific, Technological and Cultural Issues
(pp. 53-64).
Powers, John C.
Measuring Fire: Herman Boerhaave and the Introduction of Thermometry into Chemistry.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 158-177).
Gavroglu, Kostas
History of Artificial Cold: Scientific, Technological and Cultural Issues.
Smith, Anders
Who Discovered the Magnetocaloric Effect?.
European Physical Journal H
(p. 507).
Burke, Katie
Absolutely Negative.
American Scientist.
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