Concept ID: CBA000116636

Computer science

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Book Rojas, Raúl; Hashagen, Ulf (2000)
The first computers: History and architectures. (/isis/citation/CBB000110584/) unapi

Book Committee on Women in Science and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences, (2000)
Who will do the science of the future?: A symposium on careers of women in science. (/isis/citation/CBB000100128/) unapi

Article Aspray, William (2000)
Was early entry a competitive advantage? U. S. universities that entered computing in the 1940s. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (p. 42). (/isis/citation/CBB000112002/) unapi

Book Reilly, Edwin D.; Ralston, Anthony; Hemmendinger, David (2000)
Encyclopedia of computer science. (/isis/citation/CBB001180899/) unapi

Book Virilio, Paul (2000)
The Information Bomb. (/isis/citation/CBB000320515/) unapi

Book Hughes, Agatha C.; Hughes, Thomas Parke (2000)
Systems, experts, and computers: The systems approach in management and engineering, World War II and after. (/isis/citation/CBB001181573/) unapi

Book Siegfried, Tom (2000)
The bit and the pendulum: From quantum computing to M theory -- the new physics of information. (/isis/citation/CBB001180085/) unapi

Chapter Martin, C. D. (1999)
Paradigms, pitfalls and the pipeline: gender issues in the information technology workforce. In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society (pp. 343-346). (/isis/citation/CBB796066532/) unapi

Chapter Javid, M. (1999)
Symbiotic model for a working cyberschool: the tentative findings of a two-year case study. In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society (pp. 383-392). (/isis/citation/CBB775636199/) unapi

Article Dujnic, Josef; Fristacký, Norbert; Molnár, Ludovít; et al. (1999)
On the History of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Computer Technology Development in Slovakia. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (p. 38). (/isis/citation/CBB000112026/) unapi

Article Lee, Jan (1999)
Obituaries: Robert John Lansdown (1929-1999), John Lions (1937-1998), Charles E. Molnar (1935-1995), and Jonathan Postel (1943-1998). IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (p. 66). (/isis/citation/CBB000112069/) unapi

Chapter Sedlet, S. (1999)
Computers, ethics, law and society: what do we teach undergraduates?. In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society (pp. 249-253). (/isis/citation/CBB471733429/) unapi

Chapter Augustine, Dolores L. (1999)
The socialist “Silicon ceiling”: East German women in computer science. In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society (pp. 347-355). (/isis/citation/CBB001180747/) unapi

Chapter Schinzel, Britta (1999)
The contingent construction of the relationship between gender and computer science. In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society (pp. 299-311). (/isis/citation/CBB415020903/) unapi

Chapter Veronika Oechtering (1999)
Changing the university education of computer science. In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society (pp. 73-79). (/isis/citation/CBB510751718/) unapi

Chapter Gürer, Denise W.; Camp, Tracy (1999)
Women in computer science: where have we been and where are we going?. In: Women and Technology: Historical, Societal, and Professional Perspectives: Proceedings of the July 29-31, 1999 International Symposium on Technology and Society (pp. 242-244). (/isis/citation/CBB802703261/) unapi

Book Pospelov, Dmitrii Aleksandrovich; Fet, IA I (1998)
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Article Baber, Robert L. (1997)
Comparison of Electrical “Engineering” of Heaviside's Times and Software “Engineering” of Our Times. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (p. 5). (/isis/citation/CBB000111225/) unapi

Book Glushkov, Viktor (1990)
Kibernetika, vychislitel'naia tekhnika, informatika: izbrannye trudy v trekh tomakh. (/isis/citation/CBB001180062/) unapi

Book Glushkov, Viktor (1982)
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