Concept ID: CBA000116606

Technology and politics

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Book Davide Orsini (2022)
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Article Benjamin Linder; Galen Murton (December 2021)
After Disasters: Infrastructures, (Im)mobilities, and the Politics of Recovery. Transfers (pp. 120-130). (/isis/citation/CBB029167991/) unapi

Article Anne-Marie Coles (2021)
Emergence of a techno-legal specialty: Animal tests to assess chemical safety in the UK, 1945–1960. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (pp. 131-139). (/isis/citation/CBB493149696/) unapi

Article Akos Kokai; Alastair Iles; Christine Meisner Rosen (November 2021)
Green Design Tools: Building Values and Politics into Material Choices. Science, Technology, and Human Values (pp. 1139-1171). (/isis/citation/CBB745455255/) unapi

Article Kris Hartley (November 2021)
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Article Ritika Prasad (2021)
Railway Bookselling and the Politics of Print in India: The Case of A.H. Wheeler. Book History (pp. 115-145). (/isis/citation/CBB522968606/) unapi


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