803 citations
related to Technology and politics
803 citations
related to Technology and politics as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
George Ogola
The Future of Television in the Global South: Reflections from Selected Countries.
Stefan Tetzlaff
Contested “automobility”: Peasants, townsfolks, and infrastructures of road transport in interwar central and western India (c. 1919–39).
History of Science
(pp. 77-101).
Kat Jungnickel
Speculative sewing: Researching, reconstructing, and re-imagining wearable technoscience.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 146-162).
Aybike Alkan
Technopolitical Construction of a River Basin: Turkey’s Encounters and Adventures with the “TVA Idea”.
NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
(pp. 111-142).
Peter Gabriel
„Bernzieh“ und Esperanto. Technische Terminologie im Nationalsozialismus zwischen Sprachpurismus und internationaler Normung (“Bernzieh” and Esperanto. Technical Terminology in the Third Reich between Linguistic Purism and International Standardisation).
Technikgeschichte: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Technik und Industrie
(pp. 277-302).
Florian Jaton; Dominique Vinck
Politicizing Algorithms by Other Means: Toward Inquiries for Affective Dissensions.
Perspectives on Science
(pp. 84-118).
Niels van Dijk
Constitutional Ecology of Practices: Bringing Law, Robots and Epigrams into Latourian Cosmopolitics.
Perspectives on Science
(pp. 159-185).
Ryan Reft
Overton Park: The Race and Class Politics of Environmentalism, Historic Preservation, and Highway Construction.
In: Justice and the Interstates : The racist truth about urban highways.
Joseph Rodriguez; Ruben L. Anthony Jr.
Milwaukee’s Freeway Fights: Lessons from Building and Rebuilding.
In: Justice and the Interstates : The racist truth about urban highways.
Amanda K. Phillips de Lucas
The Perils of Civic Participation: Community Engagement and Interstate Planning in Baltimore.
In: Justice and the Interstates : The racist truth about urban highways.
Shelton, Kyle
Right in the Way: Generations of Highway Impacts in Houston.
In: Justice and the Interstates : The racist truth about urban highways.
Drew Starling
“A Simple, Short, and Exact Account of the Facts”? The Nouvelles Ecclésiastiques in the Eighteenth-Century French Information Press.
French Historical Studies
(pp. 89-124).
Giacomo Bonan
Hydraulic Engineers and Antiquarians: Political Use of the Past in Nineteenth-Century Venice.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 845-874).
Santa Frescura Nepoti
Canali, mulini e porto nella Bologna del Duecento. Vol. 2 – L'azione riformatrice guelfa (1278-1290).
Santa Frescura Nepoti
Canali, mulini e porto nella Bologna del Duecento. Vol. 1 – Il sistema delle acque a Bologna sino alla cacciata dei Ghibellini (1274).
Rieko Hayakawa; Robert Underwood; Jennifer Anson
The Modern History of ICT in Oceania—PEACESAT and USPNet.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(pp. 11-26).
Claiton Marcio da Silva; Claudio de Majo
The “Fire Day” in Brazil: Soybean Monocultures and Politicisation of Arsons during the Great Acceleration.
Icon: Journal of the International Committee for the History of Technology
(pp. 105-122).
Lindsay Caplan
Arte Programmata: Freedom, Control, and the Computer in 1960s Italy.
Robert P. Crease
The Leak: Politics, Activists, and Loss of Trust at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
Alison Kraft
From Dissent to Diplomacy: The Pugwash Project During the 1960s Cold War.
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