99 citations
related to Electromagnetism
99 citations
related to Electromagnetism as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Cameron Lazaroff-Puck
Empire-Laden Theory: The Technological and Colonial Roots of Maxwell’s Theories of Electromagnetism.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 42-83).
Giuseppe Pelosi; Stefano Selleri
The Roots of Maxwell's A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field: Scotland and Tuscany, 'twinned by science'.
Cameron Brinitzer
Generating Fields.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 144-150).
Giora Hon; Bernard R. Goldstein
The Key to Maxwell's Theory of Electrodynamics (1873): A Productive Methodology.
Annalen der Physik.
Christian Bracco
L’histoire de la physique contemporaine dans la Revue d’histoire des sciences.
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 389-412).
Francesco Nappo
The double nature of Maxwell's physical analogies.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 212-225).
Giora Hon; Bernard R. Goldstein
Maxwell's role in turning the concept of model into the methodology of modeling.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 321-333).
Vera Hartenstein; Mario Hubert
When Fields Are Not Degrees of Freedom.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
(pp. 245-275).
Tilman Sauer; Tobias Schütz
Einstein's Washington Manuscript on Unified Field Theory.
Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(pp. 94-105).
Bruce J. Hunt
Imperial Science: Cable Telegraphy and Electrical Physics in the Victorian British Empire.
Cameron Lazaroff-Puck
What Theories Are Made Of: How Industry and Culture Shaped Maxwell's Theories of Electromagnetism.
Projit Bihari Mukharji
Hylozoic Anticolonialism: Archaic Modernity, Internationalism, and Electromagnetism in British Bengal, 1909–1940.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 101-120).
Brian Clegg
Professor Maxwell's Duplicitous Demon: How James Clerk Maxwell Unravelled the Mysteries of Electromagnetism and Matter.
Shaul Katzir
Employment Before Formulation: Uses of Proto-Energetic Arguments.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 1-40).
Giannetto, Enrico
Poincaré’s Electromagnetic Quantum Mechanics.
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza.
Alanna Mitchell
The Spinning Magnet: The Electromagnetic Force That Created the Modern World--and Could Destroy It.
Roberto de Andrade Martins; Maria Elice Brezinski PRESTES; Cibelle Celestino SILVA
An Educational Blend of Pseudohistory and History of Science and Its Application in the Study of the Discovery of Electromagnetism.
Helge Kragh
The Lorenz-Lorentz Formula: Origin and Early History.
Substantia: An International Journal of the History of Chemistry
(pp. 7-18).
Franco Bagnoli; Roberto Livi
Michael Faraday: A virtuous life dedicated to science.
Substantia: An International Journal of the History of Chemistry
(pp. 121-134).
Daniel Jon Mitchell
What's Nu? A Re-Examination of Maxwell's ‘Ratio-of-Units’ Argument, from the Mechanical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field to ‘On the Elementary Relations Between Electrical Measurements’.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 87-98).
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