Concept ID: CBA000116588

Outer space

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Book Rod Pyle (2017)
Amazing Stories of the Space Age: True Tales of Nazis in Orbit, Soldiers on the Moon, Orphaned Martian Robots, and Other Fascinating Accounts from the Annals of Spaceflight. (/isis/citation/CBB829510399/) unapi

Article Anna Longo; Ben Woodward (2017)
Infinitely Generative Structure: Fichte, Schelling, and Modern Geometry. Azimuth (pp. 45-58). (/isis/citation/CBB205102574/) unapi

Article Jordan Bimm (2017)
Notes from the Field: Roswell, New Mexico. Technology's Stories. (/isis/citation/CBB312109020/) unapi

Book Patrice F. Dassonville (2017)
The Invention of Time and Space: Origins, Definitions, Nature, Properties. (/isis/citation/CBB567963805/) unapi

Chapter Pietro Di Mauro; Angelo Pagano (2017)
Criticism of the “vectoralists” Burali-Forti and Boggio to General Relativity. In: Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia: Atti del XXXVI Convegno annuale / Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference (pp. 175-184). (/isis/citation/CBB966141907/) unapi

Article Susanna Lindberg (2017)
Technics of Space, Place, and Displace. Azimuth (pp. 27-44). (/isis/citation/CBB313146803/) unapi

Article German A. Duarte (2017)
"Analysis Situs." A Survey of Spaces en devenir. Azimuth (pp. 76-90). (/isis/citation/CBB765530267/) unapi

Article Jana Bruggmann (2017)
Der Weltraum im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit. Das wissenschaftliche Theater der Berliner Urania, 1889–1905. TG Technikgeschichte (pp. 305-328). (/isis/citation/CBB447176672/) unapi

Article Georgios Tsagdis (2017)
Dispositions: the Technophysical Apparatus. Azimuth (pp. 13-25). (/isis/citation/CBB573346778/) unapi

Book Gillian Beer (2016)
Alice in Space: The Sideways Victorian World of Lewis Carroll. (/isis/citation/CBB780812360/) unapi

Book Koen Vermeir; Jonathan Regier (2016)
Boundaries, Extents and Circulations: Space and Spatiality in Early Modern Natural Philosophy. (/isis/citation/CBB533366723/) unapi

Book Lisa Messeri (2016)
Placing Outer Space: An Earthly Ethnography of Other Worlds. (/isis/citation/CBB151926948/) unapi

Book James Spiller (2016)
Frontiers for the American Century: Outer Space, Antarctica, and Cold War Nationalism. (/isis/citation/CBB516863320/) unapi

Book Jim Bell (2016)
The Interstellar Age: The Story of the NASA Men and Women Who Flew the Forty-Year Voyager Mission. (/isis/citation/CBB964157851/) unapi

Book Matthias Schemmel (2016)
Spatial Thinking and External Representation. (/isis/citation/CBB855986766/) unapi

Thesis Lisa Ruth Rand (2016)
Orbital Decay: Space Junk and the Environmental History of Earth's Planetary Borderlands. (/isis/citation/CBB953953681/) unapi

Thesis Andrew Joseph Romiti (2016)
Cartesian Mind and Its Concept of Space: A Contribution to the Project of Jacob Klein. (/isis/citation/CBB641773958/) unapi

Article Rein Undusk (2015)
The Renaissance Concept of Space: Notes on the Interaction between Arts and Sciences in History. Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum (pp. 66-81). (/isis/citation/CBB500052982/) unapi

Article Andrew Janiak (2015)
Space and Motion in Nature and Scripture: Galileo, Descartes, Newton. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (pp. 89-99). (/isis/citation/CBB462811041/) unapi

Book Marcia Bartusiak (2015)
Black Hole: How an Idea Abandoned by Newtonians, Hated by Einstein, and Gambled on by Hawking Became Loved. (/isis/citation/CBB449495186/) unapi


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