736 citations
related to Ecology
736 citations
related to Ecology as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Barri J. Gold
Reflections on the Novel, Ecology, and the Laws of Thermodynamics.
The Journal of Interdisciplinary History
(pp. 387-411).
Laurence M. Cook
Arthur Cain and ecological genetics in the Oxford Zoology Department.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 73-85).
Ruth Falkenberg; Lisa Sigl; Maximilian Fochler
From ‘making lists’ to conducting ‘well-rounded’ studies: Epistemic re-orientations in soil microbial ecology.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 78-104).
Fabrizio Mani
La storia dell'energia nell'avventura umana: il costo del progresso e l'illusione dell'energia pulita.
Pier Luigi Pireddu
The Relationship Between George Evelyn Hutchinson and Vladimir Ivanovic Vernadsky: Roots and Consequences of a Biogeochemical Approach.
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 339-363).
Claiton Marcio Da Silva; Claudio De Majo
The Making of a Pastureland Biome: American Scientists, Miracle Grasses and the Transformation of the Brazilian Cerrado.
Environment and History
(pp. 185-210).
Cameron Boyle
When the Parrot Returns to its Perch: Contestation of Place and Nature in Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand.
Environment and History
(pp. 177-184).
Irus Braverman
Settling Nature: The Conservation Regime in Palestine-Israel.
Jia Hui Lee
Colonial rodent control in Tanganyika and the application of ecological frameworks.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(pp. 83-111).
Gareth Linnard; Branden Holmes
Thylacine: The History, Ecology and Loss of the Tasmanian Tiger.
Laura J. Martin
The Yale Geochronometric Laboratory and the Rewriting of Global Environmental History.
Journal of the History of Biology
(pp. 35-63).
Petra Loučová
"An attempt to look out of the ecxological depression": Samizdat and alternative ecological journalism in communist Czechoslovakia, 1969-1989.
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
(pp. 361-396).
Tom Quick
Once Bitten: Mosquito-Borne Malariotherapy and the Emergence of Ecological Malariology Within and Beyond Imperial Britain.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
(pp. 67-99).
Kjell David Ericson
The Puzzle of the Thinly Coated Pearl: Aquacultural Ecology and the Politics of Density in Ago Bay.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 256-277).
Zach Pearl
Feminist Digital Ecology: Mimesis, Fictocriticism and Altering Technological Space.
Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology
(pp. 229-255).
Lisa Fink
Alienated Species and Unsettled Ecologies: Locating “Redneck” Conservation in the Racial Discourse of “Asian” Carp Invasion.
American Quarterly
(pp. 821-845).
Federico Boem
Pensare per mappe. Ontologie per una pratica scientifica.
Sutanuka Ghosh
Literary Ecology in Nineteenth-Century Bengal.
Victorian Literature and Culture
(pp. 115-119).
Miquel Carandell Baruzzi
‘Ugly and smelly or useful insect hunters?’ Perceptions of and attitudes towards bats in the turn of the twentieth-century public sphere in Barcelona.
Public Understanding of Science
(pp. 103-120).
Roberto Bondì
Animal Tellus. Storia di un'idea.
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