Concept ID: CBA000116564

Sociology of knowledge

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Grigoris Panoutsopoulos; Theodore Arabatzis (2021)
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Article Markus Seidel (2021)
Kuhn’s two accounts of rational disagreement in science: an interpretation and critique. Synthese (pp. 6023-6051). (/isis/citation/CBB811083686/) unapi

Article Francesca Bray (2021)
Underground Inspirations: Tuber Sciences and Their Histories. Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 548-563). (/isis/citation/CBB613873290/) unapi

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Democratic Values: A Better Foundation for Public Trust in Science. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (pp. 545-562). (/isis/citation/CBB945433890/) unapi

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The Forever War: understanding, science fiction, and thought experiments. Synthese (pp. 3675-3698). (/isis/citation/CBB457634235/) unapi

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Article Ute Deichmann (2021)
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