103 citations
related to Alternative medicine
103 citations
related to Alternative medicine as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Catherine D Tan
(April 2021)
Defending ‘snake oil’: The preservation of contentious knowledge and practices.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 538-563).
Silvia Waisse
The historian in the pandemic: what has been done about the history of nonconventional medicine in epidemics?.
Circumscribere: International Journal for the History of Science
(pp. 13-22).
Laurence Monnais
The Reinvention of an Appropriate Tradition or the Colonial Birth of Vietnamese Medicine.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 113-131).
Emilie Cloatre; Nayeli Urquiza-Haas; Michael Ashworth
Legalities of Healing: Handling Alterities at the Edge of Medicine in France, 1980s–2010s.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 328-348).
Pia Vuolanto; Harley Bergroth; Johanna Nurmi; et al.
Reconfiguring health knowledges? Contemporary modes of self-care as ‘everyday fringe medicine’.
Public Understanding of Science
(pp. 508-523).
Sarah Schrank
Free and Natural: Nudity and the American Cult of the Body.
Travis A Weisse
“Alone in a Sea of Rib-Tips”: Alvenia Fulton, Natural Health, and the Politics of Soul Food.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 292-315).
Natalie Schmitz
Cannabis Commentary: A Pharmacist's Perspective.
Pharmacy in History
(pp. 102-103).
Tereza Stöckelová; Jaroslav Klepal
(March 2018)
Chinese Medicine on the Move into Central Europe: A Contribution to the Debate on Correlativity and Decentering STS.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 57-69).
Paul U. Unschuld
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Heritage and Adaptation.
Andrew N. Case
The Organic Profit: Rodale and the Making of Marketplace Environmentalism.
Ramos Carrillo, Antonio; Fito, Cecilio J. Venegas; Altaba, Rocío Ruiz
La difusión de las teorías homeopáticas en la España decimonónica. Dificultades y especificidades emanadas del modelo mediterráneo de Farmacia.
Llull: Revista de la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas
(pp. 129-138).
James Bradley
‘A Certain Instability of Mind’: Herbert Mayo, 1796–1852, Surgeon and Physiologist.
Journal of Medical Biography
(pp. 122-130).
Larisa Jasarevic
Health and Wealth on the Bosnian Market: Intimate Debt.
Jonathan Taee
The Patient Multiple: An Ethnography of Healthcare and Decision-Making in Bhutan.
Colleen Derkatch
Bounding Biomedicine: Evidence and Rhetoric in the New Science of Alternative Medicine.
Mildenberger, Florian
Der Deutsche Zentralverein homöopathischer Ärzte im Nationalsozialismus: Bestandsaufnahme, Kritik, Interpretation.
Harkishan Singh
Whitelaw Ainslie: Pioneer in Promoting Indigenous Indian Drugs.
Pharmacy in History
(pp. 103-106).
Susan E. Cayleff
Nature's Path: A History of Naturopathic Healing in America.
Michael J. G. Farthing
Nicholas Culpeper (1616–1654): London’s First General Practitioner?.
Journal of Medical Biography
(pp. 152-158).
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