Concept ID: CBA000116545


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Thesis Anne Schult (2023)
Counting the Countless: Statistics, Demography, and the Making of the Modern Refugee, 1920s-1950s. (/isis/citation/CBB732032065/) unapi

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Race in Circulation: Blood Banks and Forced Mobilities in the Eastern Mediterranean. Bulletin of the History of Medicine (pp. 375-402). (/isis/citation/CBB270096362/) unapi

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La ayuda humanitaria de los British Quakers durante la Guerra Civil española (1936-1939): el caso del Hospital Infantil de Polop de la Marina (Alicante). Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina (p. 253). (/isis/citation/CBB961364597/) unapi

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