15 citations
related to Mendel's law
15 citations
related to Mendel's law as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Gregor Mendel; Alessandro Volpone
Le opere biologiche di Gregor Mendel per il lettore moderno.
Michael Mielewczik; Johann Vollmann; Janine Moll-Mielewczik; et al.
Ein verkanntes Genie? Mendels Entdeckungen und ihre Bedeutung für Pflanzenzüchtung und die Grüne Revolution (A misunderstood genius? Mendel's discoveries and their significance for plant breeding and the Green Revolution).
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
(pp. 362-369).
Ernst Peter Fischer
Mendel, ein Mönch mit Mut. Mathematik mit Merkmalen: Zum 200sten Geburtstag des "Erbsenzählers" [Mendel, a monk with courage. Mathematics with characteristics: On the 200th Birthday of the "Pea Counter"].
Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau
(pp. 178-185).
Alfonso Lucifredi
L'eredità di Mendel : all'origine della genetica.
Teicher, Amir
Mendel's Use of Mathematical Modelling: Ratios, Predictions and the Appeal to Tradition.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(pp. 187-208).
Edwards, A. W. F.
Punnett's Square.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(p. 219).
Wolfe, Audra J.
What Does It Mean to Go Public? The American Response to Lysenkoism, Reconsidered.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(p. 48).
Orel, Vítezslav
Science Studies and Mendel's Paradigm.
Perspectives on Science
(p. 226).
Cottebrune, Anne
Zwischen Theorie und Deutung der Vererbung psychischer Störungen: Zur Übertragung des Mendelismus auf die Psychiatrie in Deutschland und in den USA, 1911--1930.
NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
(p. 35).
Richmond, Marsha L.
The 1909 Darwin Celebration: Reexamining Evolution in the Light of Mendel, Mutation, and Meiosis.
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(p. 447).
Stamhuis, Ida H.
The Reactions on Hugo de Vries's Intracellular Pangenesis; the Discussion with August Weismann.
Journal of the History of Biology
(p. 119).
Kitcher, Philip
In Mendel's Mirror: Philosophical Reflections on Biology.
Bungener, Patrick; Buscaglia, Marino
Early Connection between Cytology and Mendelism: Michael F. Guyer's Contribution.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(p. 27).
Morrison, Margaret
Modelling Populations: Pearson and Fisher on Mendelism and Biometry.
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science
(p. 39).
Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg
Carl Correns' Experimente mit Pisum, 1896-1899.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(p. 187).
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