Concept ID: CBA000116493


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Collins, David J.; Rae, Ian D. (2008)
R. W. E. MacIvor: Late-Nineteenth-Century Advocate for Scientific Agriculture in South-Eastern Australia. Historical Records of Australian Science (p. 125). (/isis/citation/CBB000932002/) unapi

Article Boyle, Marjorie O'Rourke (2008)
William Harvey's Soliloquy to the College of Physicians: Reprising Terence's Plot. Medical History (p. 365). (/isis/citation/CBB000931173/) unapi

Article Gangui, Alejandro; Ortiz, Eduardo L. (2008)
Einstein's Unpublished Opening Lecture for His Course on Relativity Theory in Argentina, 1925. Science in Context (p. 435). (/isis/citation/CBB000831755/) unapi

Article Ramsey, Frank Plumpton (2007)
Truth and Simplicity. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (p. 379). (/isis/citation/CBB000831440/) unapi

Chapter Lightman, Bernard (2007)
Lecturing in the Spatial Economy of Science. In: Science in the Marketplace: Nineteenth-Century Sites and Experiences (p. 97). (/isis/citation/CBB000773403/) unapi

Book Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph; Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, (2007)
Vorlesungen zur Naturlehre. Notizen und Materialien zur Experimentalphysik, Teil I. (/isis/citation/CBB000951108/) unapi

Article Drago, Antonino; Esposito, Salvatore (2007)
Ettore Majorana's Course on Theoretical Physics: A Recent Discovery. Physics in Perspective (p. 329). (/isis/citation/CBB000850198/) unapi

Article Blanc, Floriane; Jaussaud, Philippe (2007)
Les leçons inaugurales de chimie des pharmaciens français. Revue d'Histoire de la Pharmacie (p. 41). (/isis/citation/CBB000933370/) unapi

Book James, Frank A. J. L. (2007)
Christmas at the Royal Institution: An Anthology of Lectures by M. Faraday, J. Tyndall, R. S. Ball, S. P. Thompson, E. R. Lankester, W. H. Bragg, W. L. Bragg, R. L. Gregory, and I. Stewart. (/isis/citation/CBB000774128/) unapi

Article De Gregorio, Alberto; Sebastiani, Fabio (2007)
Il debutto di Enrico Fermi come professore di fisica teorica. Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza (p. 469). (/isis/citation/CBB001023756/) unapi

Chapter Secord, James A. (2007)
How Scientific Conversation Became Shop Talk. In: Science in the Marketplace: Nineteenth-Century Sites and Experiences (p. 23). (/isis/citation/CBB000773401/) unapi

Chapter van Wyhe, John (2007)
The Diffusion of Phrenology through Public Lecturing. In: Science in the Marketplace: Nineteenth-Century Sites and Experiences (p. 60). (/isis/citation/CBB000773402/) unapi

Article Quinn, Sheila O'Brien (2007)
How Southern New England became Magnetic North: The Acceptance of Animal Magnetism. History of Psychology (p. 231). (/isis/citation/CBB000773009/) unapi

Article Albou, Philippe (2006)
Mythologie et étymologies médicales. Histoire des Sciences Médicales (p. 273). (/isis/citation/CBB000931809/) unapi

Article Wieslaw, W. (2005)
Unknown Lectures of Jan Sniadecki from the Years 1784--1785. Kwartalnik Historii Nauki i Techniki (pp. 149-181). (/isis/citation/CBB000931625/) unapi

Chapter Forgan, Sophie (2005)
Listening and Learning: Audiences and Their Roles in 19th-Century Britain. In: Participating in the Knowledge Society: Researchers beyond the University Walls (p. 65). (/isis/citation/CBB001022828/) unapi

Article Guerrini, Anita (2004)
Anatomists and Entrepreneurs in Early Eighteenth-Century London. Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (p. 219). (/isis/citation/CBB000774438/) unapi

Article Itagaki, Eiji (2004)
Lecture on Organic Chemistry by a Netherland Medical Doctor, A. C. Holterman. 化学史研究 [Kagakushi kenkyū; Journal of the Japanese Society for the History of Chemistry] (p. 1). (/isis/citation/CBB000600652/) unapi

Book Schleiden, Matthias Jacob; Breidbach, Olaf (2004)
Matthias Jacob Schleiden (1804-1881): Schriften und Vorlesungen zur Anthropologie. (/isis/citation/CBB000610392/) unapi

Article Leaney, Enda (2004-2005)
Missionaries of Science: Provincial Lectures in Nineteenth-Century Ireland. Irish Historical Studies: Joint Journal of the Irish Historical Society and the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies (p. 266). (/isis/citation/CBB000670575/) unapi


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