Concept ID: CBA000116485

Environmental degradation

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Bruce E. Stewart; Christopher J. Manganiello (October 2018)
Watershed Democracy: Rural Environmentalism and the Battle Against the TVA in Western North Carolina, 1965–1972. Environmental History (pp. 748-773). (/isis/citation/CBB798720878/) unapi

Book Joan E. Cashin (2018)
War Stuff: The Struggle for Human and Environmental Resources in the American Civil War. (/isis/citation/CBB874835214/) unapi

Book Donald E. Crummey; James C. McCann (2018)
Farming and Famine: Landscape Vulnerability in Northeast Ethiopia, 1889–1991. (/isis/citation/CBB878699508/) unapi

Book Leilani Nishime; Kim D. Hester Williams (2018)
Racial Ecologies. (/isis/citation/CBB999312524/) unapi

Article Manuel Tironi (June 2018)
Hypo-interventions: Intimate activism in toxic environments. Social Studies of Science (pp. 438-455). (/isis/citation/CBB039926828/) unapi

Article Amelia Fiske (June 2018)
Dirty hands: The toxic politics of denunciation. Social Studies of Science (pp. 389-413). (/isis/citation/CBB443623389/) unapi

Book Michael Taussig (2018)
Palma Africana. (/isis/citation/CBB556932006/) unapi

Book Teresa Sabol Spezio (2018)
Slick Policy: Environmental and Science Policy in the Aftermath of the Santa Barbara Oil Spill. (/isis/citation/CBB947690121/) unapi

Article Andrea E. Duffy (April 2018)
Civilizing through Cork: Conservationism and la Mission Civilisatrice in French Colonial Algeria. Environmental History (pp. 270-292). (/isis/citation/CBB704023421/) unapi

Book Ted Steinberg; Cindy Ermus (2018)
Environmental Disaster in the Gulf South: Two Centuries of Catastrophe, Risk, and Resilience. (/isis/citation/CBB920508154/) unapi

Book Vitz, Matthew (2018)
A city on a lake: urban political ecology and the growth of Mexico City. (/isis/citation/CBB662322990/) unapi

Book Hannah Holleman (2018)
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Article Steve Matthewman (December 2017)
Mobile Disasters Catastrophes in the Age of Manufactured Uncertainty. Transfers (pp. 6-22). (/isis/citation/CBB801023750/) unapi

Book Raj Patel; Jason W. Moore (2017)
A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things: A Guide to Capitalism, Nature, and the Future of the Planet. (/isis/citation/CBB841103232/) unapi

Book Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing; Nils Bubandt; Elaine Gan; et al. (2017)
Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene. (/isis/citation/CBB538482016/) unapi

Book Ashlee Cunsolo; Karen Landman (2017)
Mourning Nature: Hope at the Heart of Ecological Loss and Grief. (/isis/citation/CBB562798872/) unapi

Book Monica R. Gisolfi; Paul S. Sutter (2017)
The Takeover: Chicken Farming and the Roots of American Agribusiness. (/isis/citation/CBB623079555/) unapi

Article Jennifer Thomson (April 2017)
Surviving the 1970s: The Case of Friends of the Earth. Environmental History (pp. 235-256). (/isis/citation/CBB397427835/) unapi

Article M. X. Mitchell (April 2017)
Offshoring American Environmental Law: Land, Culture, and Marshall Islanders’ Struggles for Self-Determination During the 1970s. Environmental History (pp. 209-234). (/isis/citation/CBB355206157/) unapi

Book Conlogue, William (2017)
Undermined in Coal Country: On the Measures in a Working Land. (/isis/citation/CBB813911438/) unapi


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