31 citations
related to Solid geometry
31 citations
related to Solid geometry as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Nikolantonakis, Konstantinos
The Treatise “On the Section of a Cylinder” of Serenus of Antinoeia and the Apollonian Tradition.
Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche
(p. 51).
Weitzel, Hans
Zum Polyeder auf A. Dürers Stich Melencolia I---Ein Nürnberger Skizzenblatt mit Darstellungen archimedischer Körper.
Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift fuer Wissenschaftsgeschichte
(p. 129).
Hon, Giora; Goldstein, Bernard R.
Legendre's Revolution (1794): The Definition of Symmetry in Solid Geometry.
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
(p. 107).
Decorps-Foulquier, Micheline
Sur les rencontres entre sections dans les Coniques d'Apollonius de Perge: remarques sur le texte grec de la préface du Livre I.
In: De Zénon d'Elée à Poincaré: recueil d'études en hommage à Roshdi Rashed
(p. 427).
Howarth, Richard J.
Fitting Geomagnetic Fields before the Invention of Least Squares: II. William Whiston's Isoclinic Maps of Southern England (1719 and 1721).
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
(p. 63).
d'Hollander, Raymond
La théorie de la Loxodromie de Pedro Nunes.
In: International Conference Petri Nonii Salaciensis Opera, May 24--25, 2002, Lisbon, Coimbra. Proceedings
(p. 63).
Szpiro, George
Kepler's Conjecture: How Some of the Greatest Minds in History Helped Solve One of the Oldest Math Problems in the World.
Reis, Helmut
Das Paradoxon des Ikosaeders: Die Platonischen, Archimedischen und Keplerschen Körper in Natur, Wissenschaft und Kunst.
Hogendijk, Jan P.
Two Editions of Ibn al-Haytham's Completion of the Conics.
Historia Mathematica
(p. 247).
Jadhav, Dipak
Nemicandra's Rule for the Volume of a Sphere.
Indian Journal of History of Science
(p. 237).
Euclide d'Alexandrie. Les Éléments. Traduit du texte de Heiberg, Volume 4, Livres XI-XIII: Géométrie des Solides.
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