59 citations
related to Maternal health services
59 citations
related to Maternal health services as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Patrick Ellis
A Cinema for the Unborn: Moving Pictures, Mental pictures and Electra Sparks's New Thought Film Theory.
British Journal for the History of Science
(pp. 411-428).
Thuy Linh Nguyen
Childbirth, Maternity, and Medical Pluralism in French Colonial Vietnam, 1880-1945.
Francisco Muñoz Pradas
La implantación de las Gotas de Leche en España (1902-1935): un estudio a partir de la prensa histórica.
Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina
(p. 131).
Lawrence D. Longo; Lawrence P. Reynolds
Wombs with a View: Illustrations of the Gravid Uterus from the Renaissance through the Nineteenth Century.
Triplett, Katja
For Mothers and Sisters: Care of the Reproductive Female Body in the Medico-Ritual World of Early and Medieval Japan.
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
(pp. 337-356).
Toulalan, Sarah
“To[o] much eating stifles the child”: Fat Bodies and Reproduction in Early Modern England.
Historical Research: The Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
(p. 65).
Couto-Ferreira, M. Erica
She Will Give Birth Easily: Therapeutic Approaches to Childbirth in 1st Millennium BCE Cuneiform Sources.
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
(pp. 289-315).
Schlumbohm, Jürgen
Das “Geheime Buch” des Dr. Friedrich Benjamin Osiander: Anonyme Geburten im Göttinger Accouchierhaus 1794--1819.
Medizin, Gesellschaft, und Geschichte
(pp. 137-166).
Andreeva, Anna; Couto-Ferreira, Erica; Töpfer, Susanne
Childbirth and Women's Healthcare in Pre-Modern Societies: An Assessment.
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
(pp. 279-287).
Töpfer, Susanne
The Physical Activity of Parturition in Ancient Egypt: Textual and Epigraphical Sources.
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
(pp. 317-335).
McIntosh, Tania
A Social History of Maternity and Childbirth: Key Themes in Maternity Care.
Alexander, Sally
Primary Maternal Pre-Occupation: D. W. Winnicott and Social Democracy in Mid-20th Century Britain.
In: History and Psyche: Culture, Psychoanalysis and the Past
(p. 149).
Schlumbohm, Jürgen
Lebendige Phantome: ein Entbindungshospital und seine Patientinnen 1751--1830.
Stephens, Rhiannon
Birthing Wealth? Motherhood and Poverty in East-Central Uganda, c.700--1900.
Past and Present
(p. 235).
Kravetz, Melissa
Promoting Eugenics and Maternalism: Women Doctors and Marriage Counseling in Weimar Germany.
In: Women and Science, 17th Century to Present: Pioneers, Activists and Protagonists
(p. 69).
Inglis, Katherine
Maternity, Madness and Mechanization: The Ghastly Automaton in James Hogg's The Three Perils of Woman.
In: Minds, Bodies, Machines, 1770--1930
(p. 61).
Nuttall, Alison
Maternity Charities, the Edinburgh Maternity Scheme and the Medicalisation of Childbirth, 1900--1925.
Social History of Medicine
(p. 370).
Gutschow, Kim
From Home to Hospital: The Extension of Obstetrics in Ladakh.
In: Medicine Between Science and Religion: Explorations on Tibetan Grounds
(p. 185).
Craven, Christa; Glatzel, Mara
Downplaying Difference: Historical Accounts of African American Midwives and Contemporary Struggles for Midwifery.
Feminist Studies
(p. 330).
Al-Gailani, S S
(cited 2010)
Teratology and the Clinic: Monsters, Obstetrics and the Making of Antenatal Life in Edinburgh, c. 1900.
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