158 citations
related to Food science; food technology
158 citations
related to Food science; food technology as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Matthew H. Hersch
“Learning on Their Bellies”.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 109-111).
Charlotte Biltekoff; Julie Guthman
Conscious, Complacent, Fearful: Agri-Food Tech’s Market-Making Public Imaginaries.
Science as Culture
(pp. 58-82).
Arnaud Page
Pure White Bread? Bleached Flour, Contestations, and Regulation in Great Britain, 1900–50.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 149-171).
Xaq Frohlich
Introduction: Unearthing Technology in Public Histories of Food.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 903-908).
Ximo Guillem-Llobat
Technology and Subaltern Knowledge at the Catalan Olive Oil Museum.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 909-917).
Joel Dickau
Inventing Texture: Food Science and Culinary Culture in Postwar America.
Jay Stone
Sweet Deception: A History of the Health Politics of Saccharin in the United States.
Marion Nestle
Slow Cooked: An Unexpected Life in Food Politics.
Dana Jalobeanu; Oana Matei
Spiritual Technologies: Cider-Making and Natural Philosophy in Early Modern England.
Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza
(pp. 315-345).
Kimberly Killion
The Agricultural Chemist at the Table: Land Grant Colleges, Experiment Stations, and the Birth of Nutrition Science in the United States, 1887-1930.
Martino Lorenzo Fagnani
Studying “useful plants” from Maria Theresa to Napoleon: Continuity and invisibility in agricultural science, northern Italy, the late eighteenth to early nineteenth century.
History of Science
(pp. 373-406).
Benjamin R. Cohen; Michael S. Kideckel; Anna Zeide
Acquired Tastes: Stories about the Origins of Modern Food.
Jonathan Rees
The Chemistry of Fear: Harvey Wiley's Fight for Pure Food.
Rajendra Prasad; Y. S. Shivay
A Brief History of the Fertilizer Nitrogen.
Indian Journal of History of Science
(pp. 60-64).
Yifang Fang; Xiaoyuan Jiang
Liquor Making and Folk Customs in Ancient China.
In: A New Phase of Systematic Development of Scientific Theories in China: History of Science and Technology in China Volume 4
(pp. 175-203).
Yifang Fang; Xiaoyuan Jiang
Ancient Chinese Food Technology and Food Materials.
In: A New Phase of Systematic Development of Scientific Theories in China: History of Science and Technology in China Volume 4
(pp. 131-158).
Massimiano Bucchi
Newton's Chicken: Science in the Kitchen.
Carolyn Cobbold
The Introduction of Chemical Dyes into Food in the Nineteenth Century.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 142-161).
Benjamin Aldes Wurgaft
Meat Mimesis: Laboratory-Grown Meat as a Study in Copying.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 310-323).
Deborah Fitzgerald
World War II and the Quest for Time-Insensitive Foods.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 291-309).
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