639 citations
related to International relations
639 citations
related to International relations as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Tiziana Plebani
Il tributo del nono congresso degli scienziati a Marco Polo: una storia di oblio e resistenza.
In: Scienziati italiani a congresso nel Veneto asburgico (1842, 1847), II
(pp. 115-138).
Marianne Klemun
“Spaces in Between”: Political, National and Epistemological Barriers and Bridges. Meetings of German Naturalists, Austria and the Congresses of Italian Scientists in Padua (1842) and Venice (1847).
In: Scienziati italiani a congresso nel Veneto asburgico (1842, 1847), II
(pp. 35-60).
Fabio D'Angelo
Discutere di scienza sorseggiando un caffè. Il congresso di Padova nell’era del viaggio di diporto.
In: Scienziati italiani a congresso nel Veneto asburgico (1842, 1847), II
(pp. 139-154).
Fabio Forgione
Le carte del congresso di Venezia del 1847: storia e inventario.
In: Scienziati italiani a congresso nel Veneto asburgico (1842, 1847), II
(pp. 155-198).
Marco Meriggi
Scienziati a congresso nel Veneto asburgico (1842, 1847). Un bilancio.
In: Scienziati italiani a congresso nel Veneto asburgico (1842, 1847), II
(pp. 7-20).
Gisela Mateos; Edna Suárez-Díaz
“The Door to the Promised Land of Atomic Peace and Plenty: ”Mexican Students and the Phoenix Memorial Project.
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
(pp. 209-231).
Hugo Silveira Pereira
(January 2021)
Railway Imperialism Revisited: The Failed Line from Macao to Guangzhou.
Technology and Culture
(pp. 82-104).
Commerce and Cosmology on Lord George Macartney’s Embassy to China, 1792–1794.
In: Oriental Networks: Culture, Commerce, and Communication in the Long Eighteenth Century
(pp. 190-220).
Pedro Seabra
‘Despite the special bonds that tie us’: Portugal, Brazil, and the South Atlantic in the late Cold War.
Cold War History.
Stacey Barker; Jill Campbell-Miller; Greg Donaghy
Breaking Barriers, Shaping Worlds: Canadian Women and the Search for Global Order.
Steven C. Soper
La società civile ai congressi degli scienziati italiani.
In: Scienziati italiani a congresso nel Veneto asburgico (1842, 1847), II
(pp. 21-34).
Filippo Maria Paladini
Congressi degli scienziati, cioè di medici (Padova e Venezia, via Milano, 1842-47).
In: Scienziati italiani a congresso nel Veneto asburgico (1842, 1847), II
(pp. 85-114).
Margarida Tavares da Conceição
Fortificação moderna, engenheiros militares e defesa do território: redes de actuação intercontinental.
In: Ciência, Tecnologia E Medicina Na Construção de Portugal. 1: Novos Horizontes (Sécs. XV a XVII)
(pp. 417-448).
Kathryn Robison
Making the Case for Space: Employing Political Communication to Set Domestic and International Policy.
Doyoung Koo
Processing Method & Distribution of Medicinal Plant Ginseng in Early Modern East Asia -Focusing on Ginseng as a Tribute Item of Joeseon to the Ming Dynasty.
Korean Journal of Medical History
(pp. 959-998).
Changsu Kim
The Joseon-Qing Relations and the King's Health Problems in the Late Joseon Dynasty -Conflict surrounding ritual of greeting envoys (郊迎禮) in the early reign of King Sukjong-.
Korean Journal of Medical History
(pp. 999-102).
Christine Keiner
Deep Cut: Science, Power, and the Unbuilt Interoceanic Canal.
Dagomar Degroot
War of the Whales: Climate Change, Weather and Arctic Conflict in the Early Seventeenth Century.
Environment and History
(pp. 549-577).
Susan Colbourn; Timothy Andrews Sayle
The Nuclear North: Histories of Canada in the Atomic Age.
Jean-Paul Gaudillière; Claire Beaudevin; Christoph Gradmann; et al.
Global health and the new world order: Historical and anthropological approaches to a changing regime of governance.
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