329 citations
related to Publishers and publishing
329 citations
related to Publishers and publishing as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Christian Greiffenhagen
Checking correctness in mathematical peer review.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 184-209).
David Gentilcore
Cose rare e ammirande del nuovo mondo. Le piante commestibili americane nell'editoria veneziana tra Cinque e Settecento.
Emanuel Bertrand; Wolf Feuerhahn; Valérie Tesnière
Éditer l’histoire des sciences (France, XXe siècle) : Entre sciences et sciences humaines.
Sarah Brouillette
Wattpad, Platform Capitalism, and the Feminization of Publishing Work.
Book History
(pp. 419-438).
Heiner Stahl
Ernst Haeckel – Medienstar: Popularisierungen von (Natur-)Wissenschaft in den Massenmedien Buch und Zeitschrift zwischen 1891 und 1910 (Ernst Haeckel - media star: Popularisations of (natural) science in the mass media book and magazine between 1891 and 1910).
Acta Historica Leopoldina
(pp. 33-51).
Bettina Dietz
Knots in a Web: Botany, Materia Medica, and South Asian Languages in the Publication of Paul Hermann's Ceylon-Herbaria (ca. 1690–1770).
In: Plants in 16th and 17th Century: Botany between Medicine and Science
(pp. 197-210).
Heather Ford
Writing the Revolution: Wikipedia and the Survival of Facts in the Digital Age.
Bettina Dietz
Towards a history of scientific publishing.
History of Science
(pp. 155-165).
Mikkel Willum Johansen; Josefine Lomholt Pallavicini
Entering the valley of formalism: trends and changes in mathematicians’ publication practice—1885 to 2015.
(p. 239).
Nicole Howard
Loath to Print: The Reluctant Scientific Author, 1500–1750.
Peter J. Bowler
Natural history and the Raj: Popular wildlife literature for readers in Britain and the British Empire in India (1858–1947).
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 189-203).
Ian Maclean
Verlagshäuser, Buchmessen, Akademien, Zeitschriften : Die Dissemination englischer Medizin und Naturphilosophie in der zweiten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts (Publishing houses, book fairs, academies, journals : the dissemination of English medicine and natural philosophy in the second half of the 17th century).
Acta Historica Leopoldina
(pp. 37-67).
Sarah Lubelski
The Bentley Schema: Inside a Newly Industrialized Firm.
Book History
(pp. 96-127).
Sébastien Fevry; Adeline Werry
The Editorial Strategy of the Bijou Collection: When Media Diversification Reinforces an Edifying Ambition.
In: Faith in a Beam of Light: Magic Lantern and Belief in Western Europe, 1860-1940
(pp. 141-153).
Pierandrea Lo Nostro
To Print or Not to Print? Preprints and Publication: How the Covid-19 Pandemic Affected the Quality of Scientific Production.
Substantia: An International Journal of the History of Chemistry
(pp. 5-6).
M. A. Taylor; R. O’Connor; L. K. Overstreet
Dating the Publication of Hugh Miller’s The Testimony of the Rocks (1857).
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 310-324).
P. B. Logan; M. A. Sidor
John James Audubon’s Prospectus for The Birds of America.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 263-280).
M. A. Taylor
The unusual printing and publishing arrangements of Hugh Miller (1802–1856).
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 298-309).
Svante Lindqvist
Eloge: Neale W. Watson (1934–2019).
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(pp. 379-381).
Valérie Tesnière
Au bureau de la revue - Une histoire de la publication scien.
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