87 citations
related to Medical schools
87 citations
related to Medical schools as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Vasylyev, Kostantyn Kostantynovich; Vasylyev, Yuriy Kostantynovich
Scientists and Their Schools: Grigoriy Vitalyevich Khlopin (1863--1929): Professor at Yuriev (Tartu) and Odessa Universities.
Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum
(pp. 119-125).
Shorter, Edward
Partnership for Excellence: Medicine at the University of Toronto and Academic Hospitals.
Marybeth Gasman; Barbara Bush; Louis W. Sullivan
The Morehouse Mystique: Becoming a Doctor at the Nation's Newest African American Medical School.
Harrison, Simon
Dark Trophies: Hunting and the Enemy Body in Modern War.
Grauer, Neil A.
Leading the Way: A History of Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Chamberlain, Andrew T.
Morbid Osteology: Evidence for Autopsies, Dissection and Surgical Training from the Newcastle Infirmary Burial Ground (1753--1845).
In: Anatomical Dissection in Enlightenment England and Beyond: Autopsy, Pathology, and Display
(p. 11).
Miller, Lynn E.
Revisiting Black Medical School Extinctions in the Flexner Era.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 217-343).
Wooten, Heather Green
Old Red: Pioneering Medical Education.
Carroll, Katherine L.
Modernizing the American Medical School, 1893--1940: Architecture, Pedagogy, Professionalization, and Philanthropy.
Sethi, Sherrilyn M.
Mortuus Mox: The Pedagogical Approach to Cadaveric Dissection in the United States and the Anatomy of the Corpse Poem.
Court, John P. M.
Introducing Darwinism to Toronto's Post-1887 Reconstituted Medical School.
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin Canadienne d'Histoire de la Medecine
(pp. 191-212).
Waisse, Silvia; Amaral, Maria Thereza Cera Galvão do; Alfonso-Goldfarb, Ana M.
Raízes do vitalismo francês: Bordeu e Barthez, entre Paris e Montpellier.
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
(pp. 625-640).
Essay Review
Oldroyd, David
Mineralogy, Chemistry, Botany, Medicine, Geology, Agriculture, Meteorology, Classification,…: The Life and Times of John Walker (1730--1803), Professor of Natural History at Edinburgh University.
Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science.
Messbarger, Rebecca Marie
The Lady Anatomist: The Life and Work of Anna Morandi Manzolini.
Knowles, S A
(cited 2010)
“A Certain Portion of the Whole.” Inspectors, Guardians and Anatomists in East Anglia: 1832--1908.
Macbeth, Robert A.
The Department of Surgery of the University of Alberta: The First Half Century, 1922--1975.
Keirns, Carla C.; Fetters, Michael; De Vries, Raymond
Bioethics and Medical Education.
In: Handbook of the Sociology of Medical Education
(p. 174).
Reinarz, Jonathan
Unearthing and Dissecting the Records of English Provincial Medical Education, c. 1825--1948.
Social History of Medicine
(p. 381).
Anderson, Warwick
Teaching “Race” at Medical School: Social Scientists on the Margin.
Social Studies of Science
(p. 785).
Eddy, Matthew D.
The Language of Mineralogy: John Walker, Chemistry and the Edinburgh Medical School, 1750--1800.
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