Concept ID: CBA000116392

Conservation of natural resources

Show 272 citations related to Conservation of natural resources
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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Germán Vergara (January 2018)
How Coal Kept My Valley Green: Forest Conservation, State Intervention, and the Transition to Fossil Fuels in Mexico. Environmental History (pp. 82-105). (/isis/citation/CBB199475593/) unapi

Article Azra Korjenic (2018)
Zukunftsorientiertes und innovatives Bauen (Future-oriented and innovative building). Blätter für Technikgeschichte (pp. 129-149). (/isis/citation/CBB255960479/) unapi

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Saving the Birds: Oliver L. Austin’s Collaboration with Japanese Scientists in Revising Wildlife Policies in US-Occupied Japan, 1946–1950. Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science (pp. 151-165). (/isis/citation/CBB026582856/) unapi

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What do We Need to Live Well?. Science and Education. (/isis/citation/CBB261197712/) unapi

Book Nancy Langston (2017)
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Forestry and the Politics of Sustainability in Early China. Environmental History (pp. 594-617). (/isis/citation/CBB019165082/) unapi

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