Geographic Term ID: CBA000115736

China; Japan

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Country Code CN,JP

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Description Term used untill 1999

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Related Citations

Article Yamada, Shoichiro (1998)
Ryutaro Tsuchida: The Japanese pioneer in coordination chemistry. (In Japanese). 化学史研究 [Kagakushi kenkyū; Journal of the Japanese Society for the History of Chemistry] (pp. 146-158). (/isis/citation/CBB000083213/) unapi

Article Matsubara, Yōko (1998)
The enactment of Japan's sterilization laws in the 1940s: A prelude to postwar eugenic policy. Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan (pp. 187-201). (/isis/citation/CBB000083662/) unapi

Article Sakura, Osamu (1998)
Similarities and varieties: A brief sketch on the reception of Darwinism and sociobiology in Japan. Biology and Philosophy (pp. 341-357). (/isis/citation/CBB000077711/) unapi

Book Pusey, James Reeve (1998)
Lu Xun and evolution. (/isis/citation/CBB000078577/) unapi

Book Harvey, Brian (1998)
The Chinese space program, from conception to future capabilities. (/isis/citation/CBB000077268/) unapi

Thesis Hu, Mingjie (1998)
Merging Chinese and Western mathematics: The introduction of algebra and the calculus in China, 1859-1903. (/isis/citation/CBB001566136/) unapi

Thesis Howard, Paul W. (1998)
Opium suppression in Qing China: Responses to a social problem, 1729-1906. (/isis/citation/CBB001566153/) unapi

Thesis Qu, Jing Cheng (1998)
Chinese physicists educated in Germany and America: Their scientific contributions and their impact on China's higher education (1900-1949). (/isis/citation/CBB001566176/) unapi

Thesis Chang, Che-chia (1998)
The therapeutic tug of war: The Imperial physician-patient relationship in the era of Empress Dowager Cixi (1874-1908). (/isis/citation/CBB001566150/) unapi

Thesis Wu, Yi-Li (1998)
Transmitted secrets: The doctors of the lower Yangzi region and popular gynecology in late imperial China. (/isis/citation/CBB001566162/) unapi

Thesis Chen, Shiwei (1998)
Government and academy in Republican China: History of Academia Sinica, 1927-1949. (/isis/citation/CBB001566169/) unapi

Thesis Morris, Andrew D. (1998)
Cultivating the national body: A history of physical culture in Republican China. (/isis/citation/CBB001566210/) unapi

Thesis Sitcawich, Sumiko O. (1998)
Eugenics in imperial Japan: Some ironies of modernity, 1883-1945. (/isis/citation/CBB001566218/) unapi

Thesis Rousseau, Julie M. (1998)
Enduring labors: The “new midwife” and the modern culture of childbearing in early 20th century Japan. (/isis/citation/CBB001566216/) unapi

Thesis Hanson, Marta E. (1998)
Inventing a tradition in Chinese medicine: From universal canon to local medical knowledge in south China, the 17th to the 19th century. Dissertation Abstracts International. A. (/isis/citation/CBB000075887/) unapi

Article Campbell, Cameron (1997)
Public health efforts in China before 1949 and their effects on mortality: The case of Beijing. Social Science History (pp. 179-218). (/isis/citation/CBB000074068/) unapi

Article Kamatani, Chikayoshi (1997)
The Research Institute for Metal Materials attached to Tohoku Imperial University. (In Japanese). 化学史研究 [Kagakushi kenkyū; Journal of the Japanese Society for the History of Chemistry] (pp. 1-32). (/isis/citation/CBB000074186/) unapi

Book Dikötter, Frank (1997)
The construction of racial identities in China and Japan: Historical and contemporary perspectives. (/isis/citation/CBB000077089/) unapi

Article Yagi, Eri; Matsuda, Hisako; Narita, Kyomi (1997)
Toshiko Yuasa (1909-1980), and the nature of her archives at Ochanomizu University in Tokyo. Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan (pp. 153-163). (/isis/citation/CBB000076279/) unapi

Article Takata, Seiji (1997)
Activity of Japanese physicists in the learned societies from 1877 to 1926. Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan (pp. 81-91). (/isis/citation/CBB000076296/) unapi


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