525 citations
related to China; Japan
525 citations
related to China; Japan as a subject or category
Country Code CN,JP
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Description Term used untill 1999
Yamada, Shoichiro
Ryutaro Tsuchida: The Japanese pioneer in coordination chemistry. (In Japanese).
化学史研究 [Kagakushi kenkyū; Journal of the Japanese Society for the History of Chemistry]
(pp. 146-158).
Matsubara, Yōko
The enactment of Japan's sterilization laws in the 1940s: A prelude to postwar eugenic policy.
Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan
(pp. 187-201).
Sakura, Osamu
Similarities and varieties: A brief sketch on the reception of Darwinism and sociobiology in Japan.
Biology and Philosophy
(pp. 341-357).
Pusey, James Reeve
Lu Xun and evolution.
Harvey, Brian
The Chinese space program, from conception to future capabilities.
Hu, Mingjie
Merging Chinese and Western mathematics: The introduction of algebra and the calculus in China, 1859-1903.
Howard, Paul W.
Opium suppression in Qing China: Responses to a social problem, 1729-1906.
Qu, Jing Cheng
Chinese physicists educated in Germany and America: Their scientific contributions and their impact on China's higher education (1900-1949).
Chang, Che-chia
The therapeutic tug of war: The Imperial physician-patient relationship in the era of Empress Dowager Cixi (1874-1908).
Wu, Yi-Li
Transmitted secrets: The doctors of the lower Yangzi region and popular gynecology in late imperial China.
Chen, Shiwei
Government and academy in Republican China: History of Academia Sinica, 1927-1949.
Morris, Andrew D.
Cultivating the national body: A history of physical culture in Republican China.
Sitcawich, Sumiko O.
Eugenics in imperial Japan: Some ironies of modernity, 1883-1945.
Rousseau, Julie M.
Enduring labors: The “new midwife” and the modern culture of childbearing in early 20th century Japan.
Hanson, Marta E.
Inventing a tradition in Chinese medicine: From universal canon to local medical knowledge in south China, the 17th to the 19th century.
Dissertation Abstracts International. A.
Campbell, Cameron
Public health efforts in China before 1949 and their effects on mortality: The case of Beijing.
Social Science History
(pp. 179-218).
Kamatani, Chikayoshi
The Research Institute for Metal Materials attached to Tohoku Imperial University. (In Japanese).
化学史研究 [Kagakushi kenkyū; Journal of the Japanese Society for the History of Chemistry]
(pp. 1-32).
Dikötter, Frank
The construction of racial identities in China and Japan: Historical and contemporary perspectives.
Yagi, Eri; Matsuda, Hisako; Narita, Kyomi
Toshiko Yuasa (1909-1980), and the nature of her archives at Ochanomizu University in Tokyo.
Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan
(pp. 153-163).
Takata, Seiji
Activity of Japanese physicists in the learned societies from 1877 to 1926.
Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan
(pp. 81-91).
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