Category Division ID: CBA000115716

African races

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Book Harrison, Ira E.; Harrison, Faye V. (1999)
African-American pioneers in anthropology. (/isis/citation/CBB000080369/) unapi

Article Beito, David T. (1999)
Black fraternal hospitals in the Mississippi Delta, 1942-1967. Journal of Southern History (pp. 109-140). (/isis/citation/CBB000083532/) unapi

Chapter Debrunner, Hans W. (1999)
Négritude im 18. Jahrhundert: Die Bedeutung der afrikanischen Diaspora für die Ausweitung des Horizonts. In: Zur Ausweitung des Horizonts (p. 69). (/isis/citation/CBB000082040/) unapi

Book Sharpley-Whiting, T. Denean (1999)
Black Venus: Sexualized savages, primal fears, and primitive narratives in French. (/isis/citation/CBB000082666/) unapi

Book Spurlock, Jeanne (1999)
Black psychiatrists and American psychiatry. (/isis/citation/CBB000080488/) unapi

Book Tapper, Melbourne (1999)
In the blood: Sickle cell anemia and the politics of race. (/isis/citation/CBB000080471/) unapi

Article Rinsum, Henk J. van (1999)
Edwin W. Smith and his “raw material”: Texts of a missionary and ethnographer in context. Anthropos: Revista de Documentación Cientifica de la Cultura (pp. 351-367). (/isis/citation/CBB000083478/) unapi

Article Reiss, Benjamin (1999)
P.T. Barnum, Joice Heth and antebellum spectacles of race. American Quarterly (pp. 78-107). (/isis/citation/CBB000082657/) unapi

Book Watson, Wilbur H. (1999)
Against the odds: Blacks in the profession of medicine in the United States. (/isis/citation/CBB000080479/) unapi

Article Maloney, Thomas N. (1998)
Racial segregation, working conditions, and workers' health: Evidence from A.M.Byers Company, 1916-1930. Explorations in Economic History (pp. 272-295). (/isis/citation/CBB000078915/) unapi

Book Baker, Lee D. (1998)
From savage to Negro: Anthropology and the construction of race, 1896-1954. (/isis/citation/CBB000083381/) unapi

Book Butchart, Alexander (1998)
The anatomy of power: European constructions of the African body. (/isis/citation/CBB000080291/) unapi

Book Afrikaner schreiben zurück: Texte und Bilder afrikanischer Ethnographen (1998). (/isis/citation/CBB000080370/) unapi

Article Barnett, Clive (1998)
Impure and worldly geography: The Africanist discourse of the Royal Geographical Society, 1831-73. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers (pp. 239-251). (/isis/citation/CBB000076767/) unapi

Article James, Wendy (1998)
The treatment of African ethnography in L'Année sociologique (I-XII). L'Année Sociologique (pp. 193-207). (/isis/citation/CBB000079814/) unapi

Article Liss, Julia E. (1998)
Diasporic identities: The science and politics of race in the work of Franz Boas and W.E.B. Du Bois, 1894-1919. Cultural Anthropology (pp. 127-166). (/isis/citation/CBB000077403/) unapi

Book Soemmerring, Samuel Thomas (1998)
Anthropologie: Über die körperliche Verschiedenheit des Negers vom Europäer (1785). Bearbeitet und hrsg. von Oehler-Klein, Sigrid. (/isis/citation/CBB000075877/) unapi

Book Klatt, Norbert (1998)
Verflucht, Versklavt, Verketzert: Der verrusste Cham als Stammvater der Neger. (/isis/citation/CBB000078258/) unapi

Article Caron, Simone M. (1998)
Birth control and the Black community in the 1960s: Genocide or power politics?. Journal of Social History (pp. 545-569). (/isis/citation/CBB000077575/) unapi

Article Reynolds, P. Preston (1997)
The Federal Government's use of Title VI and Medicare to racially integrate hospitals in the United States, 1963 through 1967. American Journal of Public Health (pp. 1850-1858). (/isis/citation/CBB000076207/) unapi


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