Category Division ID: CBA000115715

Australian races

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Description Term used untill 1999

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Article Turnbull, Paul (1998)
“Outlawed subjects”: The procurement and scientific uses of Aboriginal heads, ca. 1803-1835. Eighteenth-Century Life (pp. 156-171). (/isis/citation/CBB000078910/) unapi

Article Kohen-Meuraud, Apolline (1998)
Le monde aborigène au début du siècle: À travers les photos d'Herbert Basedow. Gradhiva (Département Archives et d'Ethnographie du Musée de l'Homme, Paris) (pp. 57-64). (/isis/citation/CBB000083451/) unapi

Article Anderson, Kay (1998)
Science and the savage: The Linnean Society of New South Wales, 1874-1900. Ecumene (pp. 125-143). (/isis/citation/CBB000077448/) unapi

Article Kaufmann, Doris (1995)
Die “Wilden” in Geschichtsschreibung und Anthropologie der “Zivilisierten”: Historische und aktuelle Kontroversen um Cooks Südseereisen und seinen Tod auf Hawaii 1779. Historische Zeitschrift (pp. 49-73). (/isis/citation/CBB000047586/) unapi

Chapter Thomas, Nicholas (1994)
Licensed curiosity: Cook's Pacific voyages. In: The cultures of collecting (p. 116). (/isis/citation/CBB000047974/) unapi

Article Jolly, Margaret (1992)
“Ill-natured comparisons”: Racism and relativism in European representations of ni-Vanuata from Cook's second voyage. History and Anthropology (pp. 331-364). (/isis/citation/CBB000029303/) unapi

Book Salmond, Anne (1991)
Two worlds: First meetings between Maori and Europeans, 1642-1772. (/isis/citation/CBB000062016/) unapi

Article Turnbull, Paul (1990)
A forgotten cosmogony: William Hull's Remarks on the ... Aboriginal natives. Australian Historical Studies (pp. 207-220). (/isis/citation/CBB000052178/) unapi

Book Blackman, Maurice (1990)
Australian Aborigines and the French. Papers from a symposium held at the University of New South Wales 21-23 July, 1988. (/isis/citation/CBB000053037/) unapi

Article West, Hugh (1989)
The limits of Enlightenment anthropology: Georg Forster and the Tahitians. History of European Ideas (pp. 147-160). (/isis/citation/CBB000042816/) unapi

Article Nicolson, Malcolm (1986)
Nineteenth-century medical attitudes to the Maori population of New Zealand. Society for the Social History of Medicine Bulletin (pp. 35-37). (/isis/citation/CBB000049263/) unapi

Article Kolig, Erich (1985)
Collector or thief: Andreas Reischek in New Zealand and the problem of scientific ethics in the 19th century. Archiv für Völkerkund (pp. 127-146). (/isis/citation/CBB000055873/) unapi


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