963 citations
related to Netherlands
963 citations
related to Netherlands as a subject or category
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Country Code NL
Sander Govaerts
Biodiversity in the Late Middle Ages: Wild Birds in the Fourteenth-Century County of Holland.
Environment and History
(pp. 241-266).
Maurice Paulissen; Roy Van Beek; Edward H. Huijbens
How Bogs Made for Borderlands: The Eastern Low Countries, c. 670 – c. 1900 ce.
Environment and History
(pp. 211-240).
Sander Turnhout; Willem Halffman
Readjusting observational grids in dragonfly field guides.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 105-132).
Claudia Rei
Turning points in leadership: Ship size in the Portuguese and Dutch merchant empires.
Social Science History
(pp. 285-308).
Björn Quanjer
Height and the disease environment of children: The association between mortality and height in the Netherlands 1850–1940.
Economic History Review
(pp. 391-415).
Dorien Daling
“On the ruins of seriality”: The scientific journal and the nature of the scientific life.
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
(p. 100885).
Deniz Martinez
The ornithology of Agnes Block (1629–1704): Dutch naturalist, artist, collector and patron.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 265-276).
Mette N. Svendsen; Laura E. Navne
Citizen-Person: The “Me” in the “We” in Danish Precision Medicine.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 1176-1198).
Brent Sinclair-Thomson
Guns of the Khoe-San: the firearms used by indigenes for the first two hundred years of colonisation at the Cape.
Arms and Armour Society Journal
(pp. 160-176).
John Nott; Anna Harris
Teaching the normal and the pathological: Educational technologies and the material reproduction of medicine.
Science as Culture
(pp. 214-239).
J. A. Edgington
Three botanical watercolours by Richard Bradley (c.1688–1732) including of coffee and cinnamon.
Archives of Natural History
(pp. 210-211).
Pepijn Brandon; Marten Dondorp
Nodes of knowledge, managing transfer: Shipbuilding and repair during the transformation from sail to steam.
History of Science
(pp. 19-39).
Pieter C. Van Der Kruit
Excited states and spontaneous transitions: Astronomer, lecturer, administrator, biographer.
Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage
(pp. 203-251).
Johan Alfredo Linthorst
Research between Science, Society and Politics: The History and Scientific Development of Green Chemistry.
Gerard Alberts; Jan Friso Groote
Tales of Electrologica: Computers, Software and People.
Stephen Wren
A Forgotten ‘Merchant of Death’. Auguste Schriever, the deal-maker of Liège.
Arms and Armour Society Journal
(pp. 90-105).
Arlette Jappe; Thomas Heinze
Verlässliches Expertenwissen für die Hochschulpolitik? Aktuelle Befunde zur bibliometrischen Forschungsevaluation in Europa (Reliable expert knowledge for higher education policy? Current findings on bibliometric research evaluation in Europe).
Acta Historica Leopoldina
(pp. 89-103).
Michael Durrant
The Goddæuses' Dürer-Inspired Trademark: The Meanings, Origins, and Strategic Uses of a Seventeenth-Century Dutch Printer's Device.
Book History
(pp. 274-294).
Willemijn Ruberg
Hysteria as a Shape-Shifting Forensic Psychiatric Diagnosis in the Netherlands c. 1885–1960.
Gender and History
(pp. 565-581).
Maarten Roy Prak; J. L. van Zanden
Pioneers of capitalism : The Netherlands 1000-1800.
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