270 citations
related to South Africa
270 citations
related to South Africa as a subject or category
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Harries, Patrick
Butterflies and Barbarians: Swiss Missionaries and Systems of Knowledge in South-East Africa.
Carton, Benedict
“We Are Made Quiet by This Annihilation”: Historicizing Concepts of Bodily Pollution and Dangerous Sexuality in South Africa.
International Journal of African Historical Studies
(p. 85).
Warner, Brian; Herschel, John F. W.
Cape Landscapes: Sir John Herschel's Sketches 1834--1838.
Hughes, David McDermott
From Enslavement to Environmentalism: Politics on a South African Frontier.
Gilfoyle, Daniel
Veterinary Immunology as Colonial Science: Method and Quantification in the Investigation of Horsesickness in South Africa, c. 1905--1945.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(p. 26).
Hecht, Gabrielle
Negotiating Global Nuclearities: Apartheid, Decolonization, and the Cold War in the Making of the IAEA.
Osiris: A Research Journal Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
(p. 25).
Haarhoff, Johannes; Juuti, Petri; Mäki, Harri
A Short Comparative History of Wells and Toilets in South Africa and Finland.
The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa
(p. 103).
Gilfoyle, Daniel
Anthrax in South Africa: Economics, Experiment and the Mass Vaccination of Animals, c. 1910--1945.
Medical History
(p. 465).
Rijn, Kiran van
The Politics of Uncertainty: The AIDS Debate, Thabo Mbeki and the South African Government Response.
Social History of Medicine
(p. 521).
Dubow, Saul
A Commonwealth of Knowledge: Science, Sensibility, and White South Africa, 1820--2000.
Bregman, Leigh Davin
“For Sale”: Botanists and the Commercial Trade in Botanical Specimens at the Cape of Good Hope, 1750-1850.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(p. 247).
Digby, Anne
Self-Medication and the Trade in Medicine within a Multi-Ethnic Context: A Case Study of South Africa from the Mid-Nineteenth to Mid-Twentieth Centuries.
Social History of Medicine
(p. 439).
Breckenridge, Keith
The Biometric State: The Promise and Peril of Digital Government in the New South Africa.
Journal of Southern African Studies
(p. 267).
Brown, Karen
Tropical Medicine and Animal Diseases: Onderstepoort and the Development of Veterinary Science in South Africa, 1908--1950.
Journal of Southern African Studies
(p. 513).
Ashforth, Adam
Witchcraft, Violence, and Democracy in South Africa.
Leslie, Jacques
Deep Water: The Epic Struggle over Dams, Displaced People, and the Environment.
Jones, Tiffany F.
“Dis-Ordered” States: Views about Mental Disorder and the Management of the Mad in South Africa, 1939--1989.
Winston, Andrew S.
Defining Difference: Race and Racism in the History of Psychology.
Low-Beer, Daniel; Smallman-Raynor, Matthew; Cliff, Andrew
Disease and Death in the South African War: Changing Disease Patterns from Soldiers to Refugees.
Social History of Medicine
(p. 223).
Deacon, Harriet; Phillips, H.; Heyningen, E. Van
The Cape Doctor in the Nineteenth Century: A Social History.
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