Geographic Term ID: CBA000114512

East Indies

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Theodor Posewitz and His Borneo (1889) – The First Geological Monograph of the Island. Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society (pp. 460-475). (/isis/citation/CBB248098947/) unapi

Article J. A. Edgington (2023)
Three botanical watercolours by Richard Bradley (c.1688–1732) including of coffee and cinnamon. Archives of Natural History (pp. 210-211). (/isis/citation/CBB279891342/) unapi

Article John A. Edgington (2022)
Three botanical watercolours by Richard Bradley (c.1688–1732) including of coffee and cinnamon. Archives of Natural History (pp. 341-346). (/isis/citation/CBB762625869/) unapi

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Article Pols, Hans (2012)
The Psychiatrist as Administrator: The Career of W. F. Theunissen in the Dutch East Indies. Health and History (pp. 143-164). (/isis/citation/CBB001200716/) unapi


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