243 citations
related to Denmark
243 citations
related to Denmark as a subject or category
Country Code DK
Geographic entity type Country
Klaus Hoeyer; Aaro Tupasela; Malene Bøgehus Rasmussen
(May 2017)
Ethics Policies and Ethics Work in Cross-national Genetic Research and Data Sharing.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 381-404).
Sanne Knudsen
Thinking Inside the Frame: A Framing Analysis of the Humanities in Danish Print News Media.
Public Understanding of Science
(pp. 908-924).
Alexander Blum; Thiago Hartz
The 1957 quantum gravity meeting in Copenhagen: An analysis of Bryce S. DeWitt’s report.
European Physical Journal H
(pp. 107-157).
Peter Gundelach
Bringing Things Together: Developing the Sample Survey as Practice in the Late Nineteenth Century.
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
(pp. 71-89).
Jørgen Burchardt
Gods på vej: Vejtransportens danmarkshistorie.
Massimo Rinaldi
Tra cautela e paradosso: un'orazione di Thomas Bartholin "De nihilo medico".
Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali
(pp. 743-751).
Andreas Marklund
Listening for the State: Censoring Communications in Scandinavia During World War I.
History and Technology
(pp. 293-314).
Jens Knud Larsen
Neurotoxicity and LSD Treatment: A Follow-up Study of 151 Patients in Denmark.
History of Psychiatry
(pp. 172-189).
Helene Ratner
Modern Settlements in Special Needs Education: Segregated Versus Inclusive Education.
Science as Culture
(pp. 193-213).
Kristoffer Kropp
A Historical Account of Danish Sociology: A Troubled Sociology.
Line Marie Thorsen
The Energy Walk: Experimenting with Aesthetic Methods in STS?.
Science as Culture
(pp. 141-148).
Vivek Kant
The Human as a System Component in Nuclear Installations: Jens Rasmussen and High-Risk Systems, 1961–1983.
Technology's Stories.
Rogvi, Sofie a; Juul, Annegrete; Langstrup, Henriette
Generating Local Needs through Technology: Global Comparisons in Diabetes Quality Management.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 247-267).
Morten Fink-Jensen
Astrology in the Early Modern Period in Denmark.
In: Western Esotericism in Scandinavia
(pp. 64-69).
Bo Poulsen
Global Marine Science and Carlsberg: The Golden Connections of Johannes Schmidt (1877-1933).
Joakim Juhl
Innovation Science: Between Models and Machines.
Engineering Studies
(pp. 116-139).
Mirko Ancillotti; Niklas Holmberg; Mikael Lindfelt; et al.
Uncritical and Unbalanced Coverage of Synthetic Biology in the Nordic Press.
Public Understanding of Science
(pp. 235-250).
Gunver Lystbæk Vestergård; Kristian H. Nielsen
From the Preserves of the Educated Elite to Virtually Everywhere: A Content Analysis of Danish Science News in 1999 and 2012.
Public Understanding of Science
(pp. 220-234).
Kim Sune Jepsen; T. Margareta Bertilsson
Wired to Freedom: Life Science, Public Politics, and the Case of Cochlear Implantation.
Public Understanding of Science
(pp. 164-178).
Lene Koch; Mette N. Svendsen
(May 2015)
Negotiating Moral Value: A Story of Danish Research Monkeys and Their Humans.
Science, Technology, and Human Values
(pp. 368-388).
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