Geographic Term ID: CBA000114511


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On Ludvig Lorenz and his 1890 treatise on light scattering by spheres. European Physical Journal H (pp. 137-160). (/isis/citation/CBB692997378/) unapi

Article Ludvig Lorenz (2019)
Light propagation in and outside a sphere illuminated by plane waves of light. European Physical Journal H (pp. 77-135). (/isis/citation/CBB556935762/) unapi

Article Klaus Hoeyer (August 2019)
Data as promise: Reconfiguring Danish public health through personalized medicine. Social Studies of Science (pp. 531-555). (/isis/citation/CBB486735939/) unapi

Article Marklund, Andreas (July 2019)
Trawling the Wires: Mass Surveillance of Border-crossing Communication in Denmark during World War II. Technology and Culture (pp. 770-794). (/isis/citation/CBB446363793/) unapi

Article Hans Henrik Hjermitslev (2019)
1900 – Popular science as the work of Lucifer: The tensions between ‘enlightenment of the people’ and ‘popular science’ in Denmark. Public Understanding of Science (pp. 504-509). (/isis/citation/CBB587924039/) unapi

Article Rosa Nan Leunbach; Kristian H. Nielsen (2019)
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Article Jane Bjørn Vedel; Alan Irwin (June 2017)
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