818 citations
related to Therapeutic practice; therapy; treatment
818 citations
related to Therapeutic practice; therapy; treatment as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Avi Ohry; Mandy Matthewson
Elton Mayo and Thomas Henry Reeve Mathewson: The forgotten Australian pioneers of the treatment of patients with shell shock, neurasthenia and nervous breakdown.
History of Psychiatry
(pp. 79-86).
Robert Freudenthal; Joanna Moncrieff
‘A landmark in psychiatric progress’? The role of evidence in the rise and fall of insulin coma therapy.
History of Psychiatry
(pp. 65-78).
David Rattray
Kraepelin’s psychiatry in the pragmatic age.
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
(p. 2).
Ted W. Reid; Douglas S. Gregory; Richard Epand; et al.
Irwin B. Wilson (1921-2013): The Story of the First Rational Design of a Drug.
Bulletin for the History of Chemistry
(pp. 222-230).
Amneris Roselli
La condiscendenza verso il malato nella letteratura medica di età imperiale: interpretazioni dell'Aforisma II 38.
Galenos: Rivista di Filologia dei Testi Medici Antichi
(pp. 25-37).
Koichi Mikami
How Extraordinary Was It?:What Development of an Orphan Drug Meant for Patients, Their Families, and Their Community.
Historia Scientiarum: International Journal of the History of Science Society of Japan
(pp. 94-107).
Tanfer Emin Tunc
The Autobiography of a Neurasthene (1910): The Medical Counternarratives of Margaret Abigail Cleaves, MD.
Gender and History
(pp. 98-115).
Galen; Vito Lorusso
Metodo terapeutico: Libri III-IV.
Tom Quick
Making and Unmaking a “Bactericidal” Organism: Sterile Surgical Maggots and Organic Antiseptics in Inter-War America.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 404-423).
Daniel Droixhe
Toutes ces choses bizarres que les gens prennent comme nourriture: Poisson, cancer et consultations à Padoue au début des temps modernes.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 48-76).
Krystyna Herian Gurstelle
Uneven Paths to Health and Healing: Medicine, Politics and Power in 19th Century America.
Peter Murray Jones
Early Franciscans in England: Sickness, Healing and Salvation.
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
(pp. 439-458).
Aslıhan Gürbüzel; Faith Wallis
“Angelical Conjunctions”: An Introduction.
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
(pp. 419-438).
Michael Stolberg
Learned Medicine and Everyday Medical Practice in the Renaissance.
Ana Conseglieri; Olga Villasante
Shock therapies in Spain (1939–1952) after the Civil War: Santa Isabel National Mental Asylum in Leganés.
History of Psychiatry
(pp. 402-418).
Nelleke Bakker
From talking cure to play- and group-therapy: outpatient mental health care for children in the Netherlands c. 1945–70.
History of Psychiatry
(pp. 385-401).
Roderick D. Buchanan
Syndrome du jour: The historiography and moral implications of Diagnosing Darwin.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 86-101).
Bharat Jayram Venkat
At the Limits of Cure.
Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen
Freud's Patients: A Book of Lives.
Jan Nisbet
Pain and Shock in America: Politics, Advocacy, and the Controversial Treatment of People with Disabilities.
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