55 citations
related to Systems theory
55 citations
related to Systems theory as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Wierzbicki, Andrzej
The Development of Systems Science: Concepts of Knowledge as Seen from the Western and Eastern Perspective.
In: Technological Concepts and Mathematical Models in the Evolution of Modern Engineering Systems: Controlling, Managing, Organizing
(p. 189).
Beach, Jon
The Transition to Civilization and Symbolically Stored Genomes.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences
(p. 109).
Frigg, Roman
Self-Organised Criticality--What It Is and What It Isn't.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(p. 613).
Benci, Vieri
Determinism, Holism, and Complexity.
Essay Review
Robert, Jason Scott
Developmental Systems and Animal Behaviour.
Biology and Philosophy.
Hammond, Debora
The Science of Synthesis: Exploring the Social Implications of General Systems Theory.
Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey
On a Species of Origin: Luhmann's Darwin.
Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology
(p. 305).
Essay Review
Gordin, Michael; Schweber, Sam
Thinking Systematically: Thomas and Agatha Hughes, Systems, Experts, and Computers.
Technology and Culture.
Penzlin, Heinz
Warum das Autopoiese-Konzept Maturanas die Organisation lebendiger Systeme unzutreffend beschreibt.
Philosophia Naturalis
(p. 61).
Taylor, Mark C.
The Moment of Complexity: Emerging Network Culture.
Johnson, Steven
Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software.
Yoshimi, Jeffrey Kazuo
Dynamics of Consciousness: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and Dynamical Systems Theory.
Aris, John
Inventing Systems Engineering.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing
(p. 4).
Vleuten, Erik van der
Twee decennia van onderzoek naar grote technische systemen: Thema's, afbakening en kritiek.
NEHA-Jaarboek voor economische, bedrijfs- en techniekgeschiedenis
(p. 328).
Hecht, Gabrielle
Planning a technological nation: Systems thinking and the politics of national identity in postwar France.
In: Systems, experts, and computers: The systems approach in management and engineering, World War II and after
(p. 133).
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