Concept ID: CBA000114483

Systems theory

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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Chapter Wierzbicki, Andrzej (2004)
The Development of Systems Science: Concepts of Knowledge as Seen from the Western and Eastern Perspective. In: Technological Concepts and Mathematical Models in the Evolution of Modern Engineering Systems: Controlling, Managing, Organizing (p. 189). (/isis/citation/CBB000501975/) unapi

Article Beach, Jon (2003)
The Transition to Civilization and Symbolically Stored Genomes. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (p. 109). (/isis/citation/CBB000340806/) unapi

Article Frigg, Roman (2003)
Self-Organised Criticality--What It Is and What It Isn't. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science (p. 613). (/isis/citation/CBB000340894/) unapi

Book Benci, Vieri (2003)
Determinism, Holism, and Complexity. (/isis/citation/CBB000301646/) unapi

Essay Review Robert, Jason Scott (2003)
Developmental Systems and Animal Behaviour. Biology and Philosophy. (/isis/citation/CBB000340585/) unapi

Book Hammond, Debora (2003)
The Science of Synthesis: Exploring the Social Implications of General Systems Theory. (/isis/citation/CBB000770249/) unapi

Article Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey (2003)
On a Species of Origin: Luhmann's Darwin. Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology (p. 305). (/isis/citation/CBB000500961/) unapi

Essay Review Gordin, Michael; Schweber, Sam (2002)
Thinking Systematically: Thomas and Agatha Hughes, Systems, Experts, and Computers. Technology and Culture. (/isis/citation/CBB000201224/) unapi

Article Penzlin, Heinz (2002)
Warum das Autopoiese-Konzept Maturanas die Organisation lebendiger Systeme unzutreffend beschreibt. Philosophia Naturalis (p. 61). (/isis/citation/CBB000200399/) unapi

Book Taylor, Mark C. (2002)
The Moment of Complexity: Emerging Network Culture. (/isis/citation/CBB000201619/) unapi

Book Johnson, Steven (2001)
Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software. (/isis/citation/CBB000501125/) unapi

Thesis Yoshimi, Jeffrey Kazuo (2001)
Dynamics of Consciousness: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and Dynamical Systems Theory. (/isis/citation/CBB001562423/) unapi

Article Aris, John (2000)
Inventing Systems Engineering. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing (p. 4). (/isis/citation/CBB000112001/) unapi

Article Vleuten, Erik van der (2000)
Twee decennia van onderzoek naar grote technische systemen: Thema's, afbakening en kritiek. NEHA-Jaarboek voor economische, bedrijfs- en techniekgeschiedenis (p. 328). (/isis/citation/CBB001180993/) unapi

Chapter Hecht, Gabrielle (2000)
Planning a technological nation: Systems thinking and the politics of national identity in postwar France. In: Systems, experts, and computers: The systems approach in management and engineering, World War II and after (p. 133). (/isis/citation/CBB001181574/) unapi


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