Concept ID: CBA000114480

Solar system; planets

Show 226 citations related to Solar system; planets
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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Article Clifford J. Cunningham (2020)
Herschel's spurious moons of Uranus: their impact on satellite orbital theory, celestial cartography and literature. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage (pp. 119-162). (/isis/citation/CBB722993822/) unapi

Article Bernard R. Goldstein (2020)
Astronomy in Hebrew in Istanbul: Abraham ben Yom Ṭov Yerushalmi (fl. 1510). Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism (pp. 303-307). (/isis/citation/CBB290452195/) unapi

Article Koen B. Tanghe (2019)
The Fate of William Whewell's Four Palætiological Domains: A Comparative Study. Perspectives on Science (pp. 810-838). (/isis/citation/CBB753568488/) unapi

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Article Lars Gislén; C. J. Eade (2019)
The calendars of Southeast Asia. 5: Eclipse calculations, and the longitudes of the Sun, Moon and planets in Burmese and Thai astronomy. Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage (p. 458). (/isis/citation/CBB018190434/) unapi

Article Christián C. Carman (2019)
A Possible Date for Ptolemy’s Development of a Model for the Second Lunar Anomaly. Journal for the History of Astronomy (pp. 398-410). (/isis/citation/CBB205575975/) unapi

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A “Confounded Scrape”: John Herschel, Neptune, and Naming the Satellites of the Outer Solar System. Journal for the History of Astronomy (pp. 306-325). (/isis/citation/CBB911059844/) unapi

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Cosmology and Cosmic Order in Islamic Astronomy. Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period (pp. 340-366). (/isis/citation/CBB117088999/) unapi

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Finding Our Place in the Solar System: The Scientific Story of the Copernican Revolution. (/isis/citation/CBB931474490/) unapi

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Kāshānī’s Equatorium: Employing Different Plates for Determining Planetary Longitudes. In: Scientific Instruments between East and West (pp. 122-141). (/isis/citation/CBB032959625/) unapi

Article Christián C. Carman; Gonzalo L. Recio (2019)
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Article Teije de Jong (2019)
A Study of Babylonian Planetary Theory I. The Outer Planets. Archive for History of Exact Sciences (pp. 1-37). (/isis/citation/CBB279958718/) unapi

Article Aurora Panzica (2019)
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Article Gonzalo L. Recio; Christián C. Carman (2018)
On the Equant Point for the Planets and the Moon. Journal for the History of Astronomy (pp. 401-424). (/isis/citation/CBB284728633/) unapi

Book Clifford J. Cunningham (2018)
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