45 citations
related to Plastic surgery
45 citations
related to Plastic surgery as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Hyung Wook Park
Joseph E. Murray’s Struggle to Transplant Kidneys: Failure, Individuality, and Plastic Surgery, 1950-1965.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 143-162).
Joshua Zev Glahn
Surgical Personalities: A Cultural History of Early 20th Century American Plastic Surgery.
Alexander Pankratov; Astemir Shaikhaliev
Bone grafting in the pre-antiseptic era (historical review): Creation of the first theories related to bone grafting: 1860-1880.
Medicina Historica
(pp. 1-7).
Sharrona Pearl
Change Your Face, Change Your Life? Prison Plastic Surgery as a Way to Reduce Recidivism.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 217-246).
Roberta Fusco; Enrica Tonina; Chiara Tesi
Henry Tonks and the true face of war.
Medicina Historica
(pp. 1-2).
Fay Bound Alberti; Victoria Hoyle
Face Transplants: An International History.
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
(pp. 319-345).
Emily Cock; David Cantor; Keir Waddington
Rhinoplasty and the Nose in Early Modern British Medicine and Culture.
Yannick Le Hénaff
Cosmetic Surgery on Trial: How the Dujarier Case Impacted its Practice and Structure in France during the Interwar Period.
Social History of Medicine
(pp. 166-187).
Ruth Holliday; Bell, David; Jones, Meredith
Beautyscapes: Mapping cosmetic surgery tourism.
Rachel Alpha Johnston Hurst; Luna Dolezal
Cosmetic Surgery as "Cut-Up": The Body and Gender in Breyer P-Orridge's Pandrogeny.
Configurations: A Journal of Literature, Science, and Technology
(pp. 389-409).
Paolo Savoia
Cosmesi e chirurgia: Bellezza, dolore e medicina nell'Italia moderna.
Andrew Bamji
Faces from the Front: Harold Gillies, The Queen’s Hospital, Sidcup and the Origins of Modern Plastic Surgery.
Suzannah Biernoff
Portraits of Violence: War and the Aesthetics of Disfigurement.
Mariacarla Gadebusch Bondio
On the Function, Utility, and Fragility of the Nose: Early Modern Patients and Their Surgeons.
Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza
(pp. 25-51).
So Yeon Leem
The Dubious Enhancement: Making South Korea a Plastic Surgery Nation.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 51-71).
Eduardo Zachary Albrecht
Embodying Progress: Aesthetic Surgery and Socioeconomic Change in South Korea.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(pp. 29-49).
So Yeon Leem
The Anxious Production of Beauty: Unruly Bodies, Surgical Anxiety and Invisible Care.
Social Studies of Science
(pp. 34-55).
Savoia, Paolo
Le tecniche d’innesto e la rivoluzione scientifica: chirurghi, naturalisti, giardinieri e agronomi..
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza.
Annelie Ramsbrock
The Science of Beauty: Culture and Cosmetics in Modern Germany, 1750–1930.
Cock, Emily
“Lead[ing] 'em by the Nose into Publick Shame and Derision”: Gaspare Tagliacozzi, Alexander Read and the Lost History of Plastic Surgery, 1600--1800.
Social History of Medicine
(pp. 1-21).
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