260 citations
related to Organic chemistry
260 citations
related to Organic chemistry as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Löw, Reinhard
The progress of organic chemistry during the period of German romantic Naturphilosophie (1795-1825).
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
(pp. 1-10).
Saltzman, Martin D.
The Robinson-Ingold controversy: Precedence in the electronic theory of organic reactions.
Journal of Chemical Education
(pp. 484-488).
Weyer, Jost
Die Entstehung der organischen Chemie im 19. Jahrhundert: Ein Überblick.
In: Disciplinae novae: Zur Entstehung neuer Denk- und Arbeitsrichtungen in der Naturwissenschaft. Festschrift zum 90. Geburtstag von Hans Schimank
(p. 91).
McMillan, Frank M.
The chain straightens: Fruitful innovation: The discovery of linear and stereoregular synthetic polymers.
Knoefel, Peter K.
The discovery of the absorbent property of activated carbon.
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
(pp. 28-34).
Benfey, Otto Theodor; Kauffman, George B.
The birthday of organic chemistry.
Journal of College Science Teaching
(pp. 148-151).
Bykov, Georgii V.
Istoriia organicheskoi khimii: Otkrytie vazhneishikh organicheskikh soedinenii. (History of organic chemistry: Discoveries of principal organic compounds.).
Cassebaum, H.
Der Anteil der Wiener Chemiker F. Rochleder (1819-1874) und J. Loschmidt (1821-1895) an der Entwicklung organischer Konstitutionsformeln.
NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
(pp. 23-36).
Novotný, Vladimír R.
Historický vývoj pojetí organické chemie. (The historical development of the idea of organic chemistry.).
DVT, Dějiny věd a techniky
(pp. 142-152).
Ryan, Dennis P.
Outline of a course in the history of organic chemistry.
Journal of Chemical Education
(pp. 638-639).
Saltzman, Martin D.
Frank C. Whitmore and the first successful explanation of some intramolecular rearrangements.
Journal of Chemical Education
(p. 25).
Book Ocherki po istorii organicheskoi khimii (1977). (/isis/citation/CBB000023716/)
Kaufman, John
Criticism of the theory of resonance in organic chemistry, 1944-1956.
Synthesis: The [Harvard] University Journal in the History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 44-59).
Tarbell, D. Stanley; Tarbell, Ann Tracy
Textbooks of organic chemistry in the United States, 1885-1950.
Journal of Chemical Education
(pp. 266-267).
Bykov, Georgii V.
Istoriia organicheskoi khimii: Strukturnaiia teoriia fizicheskaia organicheskaiia khimiia raschetnye metody.
Gay, Hannah
Radicals and types: A critical comparison of the methodologies of Popper and Lakatos and their use in the reconstruction of some 19th century chemistry.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 1-51).
Book Glavy iz istorii organicheskoi khimii: Khimiia atsetilena, izopren i divinil, sintezy dushistykh veshchestv, reaktsii okisleniia (1975). (/isis/citation/CBB000004489/)
Byers, Twig
The radical, dualism, and Auguste Laurent.
Synthesis: The [Harvard] University Journal in the History and Philosophy of Science
(pp. 22-37).
Krätz, Otto
Historische Experimente (1849): A. W. Hofmann, Darstellung verschiedener organischer Basen (Zu den Anfängen der “Typentheorie”).
Chemie, Experiment + Didaktik
(pp. 129-132).
Price, Charles C.
Synthesis of life.
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