67 citations
related to Hydrology
67 citations
related to Hydrology as a subject or category
Description Term used during the period 2002-present
Brick, G.
Water Flowing Uphill is One of the Commonest Facts of Nature.
(pp. 968-972).
Isaacman, Allen F; Isaacman, Barbara
Dams, Displacement, and the Delusion of Development: Cahora Bassa and Its Legacies in Mozambique, 1965--2007.
Kosovets, Oleksandr; Khilchevsky, Valentyn; Dovgich, Myhailo; et al.
Eugene Oppokov--Initiator of Practical and Scientific Hydrology in Ukraine (Up to 145-th Birthday).
Research in the History of Technology
(p. 42).
Francesco Luzzini
Acqua (pulita) per tutti. Henry Darcy e l'acquedotto di Digione.
Acque Sotterranee
(pp. 73-74).
Wolfgang Schirmer
Paläohydrologie mitteleuropäischer Talräume: zur langfristigen Veränderung der Hoch- und Grundwassersituation.
In: Historische Perspektiven auf Wasserhaushalt und Wassernutzung in Mitteleuropa
(pp. 165-180).
Joachim Quast
Die Kopplung von Landnutzung und Wasserhaushalt – historische Beispiele aus Mitteleuropa.
In: Historische Perspektiven auf Wasserhaushalt und Wassernutzung in Mitteleuropa
(pp. 133-164).
Davis, Diana K; Burke, Edmund, III
Environmental Imaginaries of the Middle East and North Africa.
Li, Cho-ying
Contending Strategies, Collaboration among Local Specialists and Officials, and Hydrological Reform in the Late-Fifteenth-Century Lower Yangzi Delta.
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
(p. 229).
Rand, Michael
Clouds, Rain, and the Upper Waters: From Bereshit Rabbah to the Piyyuṭim of Eleazar be-rabbi Qillir.
Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism
(p. 13).
Bonnemain, Bruno
Histoire de la Pharmacie Française en Algérie (1830--1962).
Revue d'Histoire de la Pharmacie
(p. 303).
Kölbl-Ebert, Martina
How to Find Water: The State of the Art in the Early Seventeenth Century, Deduced from Writings of Martine de Bertereau (1632 and 1640).
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
(p. 204).
Chew, Matthew K.
The Monstering of Tamarisk: How Scientists Made a Plant into a Problem.
Journal of the History of Biology
(p. 231).
Humphreys, L. R.
Crawford Munro: A Vision for Australia's Water.
Bijker, W. E.; Wesselink, A.J.; Vriend, H. J. d.; et al.
Hydrology and Hydraulics Expertise in Participatory Processes for Climate Change Adaptation in the Dutch Meuse.
Water Science and Technology
(pp. 583-595).
Soffientino, Bruno; Pilson, Michael E. Q.
Osservazioni Intorno al Bosforo Tracio Overo Canale di Constantinopoli Rappresentate in Lettera Alla Sacra Real Maestá Cristina Regina di Svezia da Luigi Ferdinando Marsilii, 1681: First English Translation, with Notes.
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
(p. 57).
Ertsen, Maurits W.; Spek, Joanne van der
Modeling an Irrigation Ditch Opens up the World: Hydrology and Hydraulics of an Ancient Irrigation System in Peru.
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
(pp. 176-191).
Li, Cho-ying
Evolutionary Statecraft: The Ming State and Local Elites in the Field ofHydrological Management in the Lower Yangtze Delta.
Perry, Yaron; Lev, Efraim
Ernest William Gurney Masterman, British Physician and Scholar in the Holy Land.
Palestine Exploration Quarterly
(p. 133).
Carla Rita Palmerino
Galileo on the Behavior of Water Jets: Between Documentary Evidence and Possible Forgery.
Galilæana: Journal of Galilean Studies
(pp. 233-246).
Smiles, David
John Robert Philip 1927--1999.
Historical Records of Australian Science
(p. 221).
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