Concept ID: CBA000114383


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Description Term used during the period 2002-present

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Book Elizabeth T. Hurren (2021)
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Article Martin Robert (2021)
L'émeute des fémurs: contestations étudiantes, dissections humaines et professionnalisation de la médecine au Québec. Canadian Historical Review (pp. 525-544). (/isis/citation/CBB328485772/) unapi

Article Philippe Mudry (2020)
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The Body of Evidence: Corpses and Proofs in Early Modern European Medicine. (/isis/citation/CBB516817724/) unapi

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Chapter Siena, Kevin P. (2020)
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Chapter Francesco Paolo de Ceglia (2020)
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Chapter Diego Carnevale (2020)
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Book Tinne Claes (2019)
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Article Elena Varotto; Mauro Vaccarezza; Roberta Ballestriero; et al. (2019)
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Chapter Melissa A. Carroll (2019)
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Article Ahmed Ragab (2018)
Two Students and a Corpse: The Semantics of Disgust in the Making of Colonial Knowledge. History and Technology (pp. 79-88). (/isis/citation/CBB451412712/) unapi


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